
My bites of Symphony X fruit

Thank you for visiting. Here will be my various posts about Symphony X. My name is Yukari. Female, Japanese. Born and living in Japan. Studying English and trying my best, but please let me know if you found mistakes in my sentences. Much appreciated. Putting "All good" on my handle name like a badge because I got the word from Mr. Pinnella on his Facebook, to my English dictation of his gear rundown video in Oct 2015! Please check my post out here at "Pinnella Gears @ GEAR GODS (2015)"! Also I got a huge honor to meet Mr. LePond in Japan on Oct 8th 2016! Please check my post out here at "To Heaven and Back - The Evening with Mr. Michael LePond"! On the next day Oct 9th 2016, I experienced Symphony X live show for my first time at Loud Park in Japan! YAY!!!!! / ご訪問ありがとうございます。Symphony Xについてのブログです。管理者プロフィール:Yukari 女性、日本生まれ日本在住。英語を学び、可能な限り正確を期しているつもりではありますが、お気付きの点がありましたら、お知らせくださいますと幸甚です。2015年10月にピネーラさんのギア紹介動画が出てピネーラさんのFacebookで紹介されたとき、その英語聞き取りを私がコメント欄に投稿、それに対しピネーラさんから "All good" 「まあ大丈夫」とのお言葉を頂きました!以来、その言葉を勲章のようにハンドルネームに付けています。このブログの投稿 "Pinnella Gears @ GEAR GODS (2015)" をご覧ください!2016年10月8日には、日本でレポンドさんとお会いすることができました!投稿『To Heaven and Back - マイケル・レポンド氏との夕べ』をご覧ください!その翌日2016年10月9日、Loud Parkで初めてSymphony Xのライヴ体験!!!

Loud Park 16 Sun Oct 9th 2016





Loud Park 16 Sun Oct 9th 2016


Sun Oct 9th 2016, I went to Loud Park 16. (Loud Park 16 website)


Photo during waiting for the start. I screamed and clapped just the backdrop came up.

Couldn't reach the front row, but I managed to get in the 3rd or 4th row, on the LePond & Pinnella side.
Being in the so packed audience (How happy being IN it!), Overeture of "Underworld" album started, goosebumps, screems, and the first thing I saw was Mr. Michael LePond posing like THIS! (a post on Facebook) (A proffessional photo from an another show.) The bass was higher and he was looking up much higher.

I was thunderstruck! I will never forget the scene.

Mr. LePond plays THOSE insane songs smiling, looking audience very well and acting like having conversations, banging his head to the music...I was touched by his agressiveness for the show, the way he shows that he is enjoying the show! I newly wanted to shout out to him "Welcome to Japan!!!!!"

Also I was so happy to see Mr. Pinnella live!!! Seeing the way his hands beautifully come up leaving from the keyboards after playing fast, I was so excited like "Yes it is! I'm seeing real him!" Watching "Gigantour"(2005) DVD, I became a fan of his skill "to deal with the long hair with sending breath from his mouth, when his both hands are busy" and I was a kind of looking forward to see it live too, but I didn't see it. I'm not sure I just missed or he wasn't doing it.

In the Gear Gods video which came out in Oct 2015, he was telling that his gears are rental for European or South American tours, and when I was seeing photos from various shows on internet, it looked like the item on the top changes often. So I was looking forward to see what he would use in Japan, where is the home country of Roland, YAMAHA, many other musical instrument companies.

The bottom was the steady YAMAHA MOTIF ES7, and I think the top was Roland V-Synth, the same as the Gear Gods video! Also I was amused to see the ThumbDrive Mr. Pinnella talked about in the Gear Gods video, the USB flash memory which makes it easy to get ready even when the synthesizer is rental, put into the YAMAHA MOTIF ES7. I didn't really see the memory itself, but I saw the vivid pink strap attached to the memory and knew it was there. I think the strap is for avoiding to lost the memory. Cute color!

I will never forget my flood of excitment when I listen to the beginning of "Underworld" (the song), that meant Mr. Pinnella's sound.

Being in the packed crowd on the LePond & Pinnella side, I couldn't see Mr. Jason Rullo well but during the show I kept feeling that his drums were providing the energy to the show. THOSE kicks...! Like heart of the band really!!!

I couldn't see Mr. Romeo well either, but he became visible from me sometimes, and the fact that I was finally listening to him live just kept thrilling me!!! I've been seeing posts on internet from people who saw him very clearly but couldn't believe what was happening! His guitar, and himself ROCKS really.

And Mr. Russell Allen.... I was always thinking he is one of the best singers on this planet, but, he is even WAAAAAAAY greater than I was thinking I know! THAT singing, actions, power to involve the audience... I was so happy to be one of his audience!!!

It was so unreal that the hundreds, thousands of people jumped togehter lead by him!

I was glad to join the "1! 2! 3! 4! Arrrrrrrrrgh!!!" lead by Mr. Allen and Mr. Rullo on the drums. I wanted to do it someday, watching videos from the shows in the foreign countries.

Mr. Allen (to the audience in the middle area and in the Romeo side) "You're OK. But you (to the audience in the Pinnella & LePond side, including me) are not. ARE! YOU! REALLLYYY! F*CKIN'!  READYYY! TO! ROOOOOCK!?!?" (Sorry if the details are different from what he actually said.) I loved it so much and laughed hard. He was like a watchman(watchmonster) supervising the sinful souls in the Hell !

I was so thrilled to listen to his live vocal of "Underworld" (the song). Listening to the original recording, I always think "There must be 2 singers!!" and around 4:53-5:00 of the playtime, I always have goosebumps to know (yes I knew, but newly) "It's the same 1 singer!!". And the thrill was totally the same in the live show!!!!!

I was amused to see Mr. Allen went to tease Mr. LePond. Mr. Allen stood back of Mr. LePond, reached his right hand to the right side of Mr. LePond's right hand, and played the bass together! Both were smiling and looked so joyful !

It was too bad that Mr. Romeo (and Mr. Allen) didn't do the "blind" play!

Seeing the photo on the weblog version of Revista Keyboard Brasil (a Brazilian digital magazine about keyboards) , I learned that Mr. Allen also goes to tease Mr. Pinnella. So I was a bit looking forward to see it, but it didn't happen this time.

It was a festival, so the showtime had to be shorter than their own shows, but the setlist was THIS. (Linked to setlist.fm )

1. Nevermore
2. Run with the Devil
3. Underworld
4. Without You
5. Set the World on Fire
6. Serpent's Kiss
7. Out of the Ashes
8. Of Sins and Shadows
9. Sea of Lies

You experienced this....!!!!! (grabbing myself by around chest, pulling and pushing)

Loud Park website has the photo gallery which has a photo of the printed setlist, and "Sea of Lies" at the last is missing, but it was played actually!

It was a festival, so the start times of each act were gradually being later than scheduled. Symphony X's show had to start later than the time table, too. Just after Symphony X did the show, while everybody were sharing experiences and emotions on the internet, a rumor went around: "The administration of Loud Park told Symphony X to reduce 1 song from the planned setlist, but Russel went mad and protected the song." It was already like a legend!! It was only some hours after they did the show again in Japan after 18 years. The new "legend" amused me so much. But, if it was the fact, Thank you so much Russell !!! Was the protected song "Sea of Lies" !?

December 2016, Loud Park's Facebook and Twitter announced that the shows will be broadcast on January 1th & 2nd 2017 by a cable TV called J:COM! I don't have the channel, but it's great! When I told about it to Mr. LePond via Facebook, he said "wow!!!!!!!!!" and enjoyed the news. After that, Symphony X's Facebook made a post to introduce the broadcast!

AND, even the autograph session was held after the show!!!!!

In order of signing
Top right: Jason Rullo,  Top left: Michael Romeo, Center: Russell Allen,
Bottom right: Michael LePond, Bottom left: Michael PInnella (beautiful....!)

The way to join the autograph session was to buy "Underworld" CD at the booth on the day and get the ticket. Limited up to 200 people. The item to be autographed was the participant's choice. 1 item per each person. As the photo above, I got the autographs on "Underworld" booklet, but it was not the new one I bought at the booth, but the one I bought when it was out in July 2015. I kept the new CD which I bought at the booth unopened, and later gave it to my friend who loves foreign (seeing from Japan) music, but hadn't listened to Symphony X yet. She enjoyed it!

About 1 year before this day, in October 2015, the interviewer lady Echo from The Metal Authority (Facebook) gathered questions to Mr. Allen from her followers on Facebook and Twitter, and among them, she gave 2 people the autographs of Symphony X members as a lottery gift, and I was so happy to get 1 of the 2 sheets of autographs! I framed it and have been cherishing like this.


Among this autographs, Mr. Pinnella's autograph (top left) was written with a different pen. I asked Ms. Echo the reason. She told me that her pen was missing temporally, and Mr. Pinnella brought his pen and helped. I was impressed by the episode.

This time in October 2016, I was impressed through my own eyes. Symphony X members were sitting side by side in a low in this order (the signing progressed from left to right):
Rullo → Romeo → Allen → LePond → Pinnella

A silver pen and a black pen were ready in front of each member. A silver pen was to sign on something dark colored like the booklet of "Underworld", and a black pen was to sign on something light colored. When Mr. Pinnella had to wait a bit for his turn to sign, he quickly looked at the item coming towards him, chose the color of the pen and got ready! Cool !!

While Mr. Pinnella was showing such efficiency and coolness, a participant brought a big red poster of Loud Park to be signed. When Mr. LePond was signing, Mr. Pinnella reached his arm from the side to sign at the same time, but stopped like "Oops." because he noticed that the color of his pen was different from the other 4 autographs, then he changed the pen and restarted. Cute....

The red Loud Park poster looked OK to be signed with both of silver pen and black pen. Mr. Rullo did the autograph first, and all other members chose the same color, I realised later. (There might be some sets of autographs done in uneven colors! But it might be lovely. As the photo above, the one I got from Ms. Echo was actually done in uneven colors, and I love it with the story behind.)

The previous day of Symphony X's show and the autograph session, I had a huge honor to meet Mr. LePond, and even ran into Mr. Romeo. (the report on this weblog.) I brought a Japanese fan, I mean the tool to send wind, as gift to each member of Symphony X, enclosed a card with the gift, and I wrote my joy to welcome them to Japan, my gratitude to their music, everything I wanted to say. I succeeded to hand the card to Mr. LePond and Mr. Romeo, and they read it in front of my eyes. And I asked Mr. LePond to do me a favor to hand the gift to Mr. Rullo, Mr. Allen and Mr. Pinnella.

Under such situation, during waiting for my turn at the autograph session, with my heart pulsating so fast to death, I was wondering what would be the best to say/do when I stood in front of Mr. Rullo, Mr. Allen and Mr. Pinnella for the first time, for just some seconds.

While I was wondering, watching the autograph session progress, I saw some people doing hugs with the members. It's the best way to use the limited few seconds! I thought so.

But I was not brave enough to ask all members for a hug, and I had been already given great hugs by Mr. LePond and Mr. Romeo in the previous evening. After a mess in my brain, I decided to try to ask Mr. Allen and Mr. Pinnella for a hug. I should have asked Mr. Rullo also! I thought later.

Finally my turn came! I just didn't know what to do, but Mr. Rullo was doing so so great at the head of the low, welcoming all participants with his warm smile and shaking hands! I was rescued by that. I knew he is handsome, but I was impressed newly! His comparatively short hair style looked cool also. He was shining!

"Welcome back to Japan. The show was great! I met Mr. LePond yesterday and brought you a gift. I hope you like it." I said so, and he said "OK, thank you."

Next, Mr. Romeo! "I happened to meet you yesterday." I said. Mr. Romeo said "Ah." and looked like he remembers me. Yay! "The show was great. I'm so happy that I saw it!" I said, and Mr. Romeo said "Thank you." with a smile. I was impressed again by his warmness!

Next, Mr. Allen! Whooooa! The person who is the reason I started to listen to Symphony X, the person I think one of the best singers on this planet, is in front of me! "You are the best singer in the world!" I said. Mr. Allen smiled (he was wearing a pair of sun glasses but his smile was recognizable) and said "Thank you." I asked "Could I have a hug with you?" "OK." I had a hug with him! I also said about the gift as the same way as I told to Mr. Rullo. 

And Next!! Mr. LePond! In the previous evening I met him and had a so so great time that will definitely be included in the digest scenes of my life I will see when I die. But during I was waiting for my turn of this autograph session, a fear came to me thinking of the case Mr. LePond doesn't remember the meeting so deeply, and doesn't recognize me as the same person he met in the previous evening. But before I say/do something when I stood in front of him, he already recognized me and was waving his hand to me, saying nothing! It's too cute Mr. LePond....but if somebody was watching, he/she would think "Hmm? know each other already?" ! while I was thinking so, his autograph was already done (during I was doing a hug with Mr. Allen?) and while I was lost, the staff asked the whole participants to progress faster. I said almost nothing to Mr. LePond!

Then I stood in front of Mr. Pinnella. Shook hands! Autograph started very quickly and elegantly! It looked like I had time to say only 1 thing. I think I said something like greeting (I can't remember) then I asked "Could I have a hug with you?" I thought he said "Sure!", but he stretched only his left arm at the level of his shoulders, his eyes were looking at the direction of his left hand, so it looked like I was said "Walk this way" = leave. When I got confused, the staff asked me to progress, and my autograph session ended.

At the moment I leave, I heard Mr. Pinnella was saying something to Mr. LePond like "Maybe she....". So Mr. LePond asked Mr. Pinnella what happened? I was totally lost. "Was I said to progress (= end my turn) by Mr. Pinnella???" I felt like entered the gate of the Hell. (with no guide!)

After nearly an hour, watching Nightwish's beautiful stage from the back of the audience area, I didn't know why but suddenly this thought came up in my head: "Mr. Pinnella was spreading his left arm and waiting for me to do a hug???" If so (if not so, both ways) it's one of the biggest failure in my life!!!

Failure? No, no, no, wait wait wait, I shook hands with him....with his hand, that plays the music! I was struck by a fresh impression, and my brain which was traveling in the universe in those 2 days came back to the earth, maybe.

About me at the Mr. Pinnella's turn of the autograph session, the more I look back, the more I find that I had so many other things to say. Regardless of I wrote everything on the card that I asked Mr. LePond to hand him, it would be great for me to tell my joy to welcome him back to Japan, and my gratitude for his music directly to him. Among the so many options, I chose the thing like the final button "hug", and it didn't work. Finely too awkward and I even started to love it. Anyways it was engraved to my memory. If I have a chance to tell him about this fumble, it would be also the case that he kindly says "All good"....I gussed so.

I also wondered why it is great when I get autographs, photos, shaking hands, hugs, interactions via the internet and directly from the people whose job is to provide great music to the world....? But I guessed it's because I'm always helped by the great music in my daily life, or even if not taking it so deeply, I simply feel amazing when I listen to the music, so I feel great when I get chances to say thank you, and souvenirs to know it happened. Also I guessed that if the fans think these things would trouble the musicians and stopped these things at all, the musicians would have dreary feelings (of course I think it depends on the person, though).

During the autograph session, taking photos with Symphony X members was banned by the administration, but when all the autograph was done and they were about to leave the place, there were some people who succeeded  in taking photos with the members! 

I think the staffs had to end the event safely and quickly, had to consider the schedule, so they started to announce "Please avoid taking photos!". Because if all of the participants (around 200 people) there asked the members for a photo, it would take so long time. Mr. Romeo was about to take a photo with fans near the place I was standing. Mr. Romeo recognized the atmosphere (or the Japanese language itself?!)  of the announcement banning to take photos, and he encouraged the fans who was just taking a photo with him, saying "Go! go! go! ....Got it?" He really rules.

When Symphony X finally leave the place, applause arose from the fans naturally. The members answered it waving hands, and left beyond the door at the end of the passage.

My first experience of Symphony X was so HUGE. 

Thank you to the staffs ran Loud Park and the autograph session, Thank you for Symphony X!!!!!

I think their return to Japan (and the first show for many many people) was ENORMOUS success.


(I saw the original post here on facebook, Mr. LePond shared. )

I'm wishing from the bottom of my heart to see Symphony X again in Japan in near future!!!!!



Yukari all good