Thank you for visiting. Here will be my various posts about Symphony X.
My name is Yukari. Female, Japanese. Born and living in Japan. Studying English and trying my best, but please let me know if you found mistakes in my sentences. Much appreciated. Putting "All good" on my handle name like a badge because I got the word from Mr. Pinnella on his Facebook, to my English dictation of his gear rundown video in Oct 2015! Please check my post out here at "Pinnella Gears @ GEAR GODS (2015)"! Also I got a huge honor to meet Mr. LePond in Japan on Oct 8th 2016! Please check my post out here at "To Heaven and Back - The Evening with Mr. Michael LePond"! On the next day Oct 9th 2016, I experienced Symphony X live show for my first time at Loud Park in Japan! YAY!!!!! / ご訪問ありがとうございます。Symphony Xについてのブログです。管理者プロフィール:Yukari 女性、日本生まれ日本在住。英語を学び、可能な限り正確を期しているつもりではありますが、お気付きの点がありましたら、お知らせくださいますと幸甚です。2015年10月にピネーラさんのギア紹介動画が出てピネーラさんのFacebookで紹介されたとき、その英語聞き取りを私がコメント欄に投稿、それに対しピネーラさんから "All good" 「まあ大丈夫」とのお言葉を頂きました!以来、その言葉を勲章のようにハンドルネームに付けています。このブログの投稿 "Pinnella Gears @ GEAR GODS (2015)" をご覧ください!2016年10月8日には、日本でレポンドさんとお会いすることができました!投稿『To Heaven and Back - マイケル・レポンド氏との夕べ』をご覧ください!その翌日2016年10月9日、Loud Parkで初めてSymphony Xのライヴ体験!!!
<Please read this in your head with the voice of Orson Welles lol>
(Just for your information: Orson Welles (1915-1985), actor from USA, did a radio drama on Oct 30th 1938 and it made a lot of listeners believe that attack from the Mars was happening for real. And the story was based on the same novel that Michael Romeo was inspired to make the solo album which is out in 2018....)
Michael Romeo announced the solo album "WAR OF THE WORLDS / PT. 1", out on July 27th 2018!
So, I started to read the novel. The Mars starts invading our Earth....they release some "cylinders" towards our Earth....when the Mars is at the location called "Opposition".
"Opposition" is a name in the real astronomy. It means that the specific planet (the Mars in this case), the Earth and the Sun align straight, and the specific planet is 180 degrees opossite to the Sun, seeing from our Earth in the middle. Mars Opposition happens 1 time per 2 years roughly.
Instead of the Martians release the killer cylinders towards us, Michael Romeo releases the killer album towards us!
Plus, this date even fitted the "new music Friday" rule which sets all release dates on Fridays!
I guess "Pt. 2" (Michael Romeo says it's already almost done) will be released when the next Mars Opposition happens, on October 13th 2020 or nearest Friday 9th or 16th!
*Added on October 14th 2020 This prediction ended up only my delusion!! lol
Pt. 2 wasn't released yet. No information yet either. The next Mars Opposition will be December 8th 2022! If the release date won't be related to the Mars anymore, I just wish it will be released asap!
*Added part ends
Also THE MARS COMES CLOSER TO OUR EARTH IN JULY 2018. (The closest is July 31st.)
In 2003, the Mars came closest in these 59,635 years (!) to our Earth. And this time in July 2018, the Mars will be nearly as big and bright as it was in 2003!
Full moon can be the symbol of full resurrection or perfection. And total lunar eclipse does it in one night!
May 30th 2018, when this album was announced and the 1st lyric video "Black" was released, had an almost full moon (slightly after full moon) also. (Moon phases calendar of May 2018 at Moongiant)
(added on July 19th 2018) July 19th 2018, when the 3rd lyric video "Fear the Unknown" was released, had the almost half moon and the Lunar X! (Related article at Cloudy Nights)
(Previous one was "Underworld" by Symphony X. "The Divine Comedy" by Dante, number 3, Moon, Pluto and Charon....I wrote the hell of long reading here. Much gratitude to everyone who visited / will visit!)
By the way, the Mars has already got woven into Symphony X because "Mars, the Bringer of War" from "The Planets" suite by Gustav Holst was used in the song "The Divine Wings of Tragedy" (It stars from around 4:22 of this video. Thank you very much for this great video, Mr. Papeghin!)