
My bites of Symphony X fruit

Thank you for visiting. Here will be my various posts about Symphony X. My name is Yukari. Female, Japanese. Born and living in Japan. Studying English and trying my best, but please let me know if you found mistakes in my sentences. Much appreciated. Putting "All good" on my handle name like a badge because I got the word from Mr. Pinnella on his Facebook, to my English dictation of his gear rundown video in Oct 2015! Please check my post out here at "Pinnella Gears @ GEAR GODS (2015)"! Also I got a huge honor to meet Mr. LePond in Japan on Oct 8th 2016! Please check my post out here at "To Heaven and Back - The Evening with Mr. Michael LePond"! On the next day Oct 9th 2016, I experienced Symphony X live show for my first time at Loud Park in Japan! YAY!!!!! / ご訪問ありがとうございます。Symphony Xについてのブログです。管理者プロフィール:Yukari 女性、日本生まれ日本在住。英語を学び、可能な限り正確を期しているつもりではありますが、お気付きの点がありましたら、お知らせくださいますと幸甚です。2015年10月にピネーラさんのギア紹介動画が出てピネーラさんのFacebookで紹介されたとき、その英語聞き取りを私がコメント欄に投稿、それに対しピネーラさんから "All good" 「まあ大丈夫」とのお言葉を頂きました!以来、その言葉を勲章のようにハンドルネームに付けています。このブログの投稿 "Pinnella Gears @ GEAR GODS (2015)" をご覧ください!2016年10月8日には、日本でレポンドさんとお会いすることができました!投稿『To Heaven and Back - マイケル・レポンド氏との夕べ』をご覧ください!その翌日2016年10月9日、Loud Parkで初めてSymphony Xのライヴ体験!!!

To Heaven and Back - An Evening with Mr. Michael LePond, Sat Oct 8th 2016





To Heaven and Back - An Evening with Mr. Michael LePond, Sat Oct 8th 2016




・BEFORE the talk

TALK   The main part!  ← This link jumps to there (a new window pops up)

・AFTER the talk

The whole is long, so if you are in hurry, please start from the "TALK" (Mainly the info from Mike: including the songs for the Symphony X audition, The solo project, etc.)!

And if you have time, it will be great if you read the whole! 


When Symphony X came to Japan in October 2016, I had an honor to meet Mr. Michael LePond!

First of all, I send gratitude from the bottom of my heart to Mike for this great experience. Also I send my big thanks to Ms. Donna Labate, the publicist for Mike's solo project, for her help to make this meeting happen.

And I send my endless applause and gratitude to the Symphony X show at Loud Park 16 Sun October 9th 2016 in Japan!!!!!

Mike interacts really well with fans basically via his Facebook. I had been getting Mike's kind reactions or replies on Facebook for more than 1 year, since March 2015. Seeing the many photos posted to Mike's Facebook from people, I was surprised to know that Mike sometimes meets fans whom he interacted with via Facebook. But I never thought I could be one of them!

Back in November 2015, I bought the CD of Mike's solo album "Mike LePond's Silent Assassins" (2014) and became a fan of it! I started to post comments or do reactions to Mike LePond's Silent Assassins  Facebook.
Then Ms. Donna Labate, the publicist for Mike LePond's Silent Assassins since 2015, and the runner for the Facebook,  kindly started to do friendly contacts with me.
(Also she opened Twitter.)

April 2016, Symphony X announced to play Loud Park 16 (Sat Oct 8th & Sun Oct 9th 2016) in Japan! (Post on Symphony X website

Around that time, Donna was trying her best to get Mike appointments of interviews by Japanese professional music media during he is in Japan in October 2016. She had already made some approaches, then also contacted me thinking possibly I work for the music industry in Japan. But I don't. So at least I sent her some contact info of some Japanese music media I could come up with.

(Eventually interviews didn't happen for this time. Too bad....! Donna told me that it was very difficult to get interviewed because the first album was released in 2014, so it's "old" to be picked up, and Mike is working on the next album but it will take some more time to release.)

After the communicaiton, Donna kindly said that I'm a friend of her. She wrote me her passion to support Mike, also how great and charming he is. I was happy and excited to read it and talk about Mike with her. Then she suddenly, and kindly, asked Mike if he would have time to meet me during his stay in Japan in October 2016.

The communication between Donna and me started because we were wishing Mike to be interviewed in Japan, and I knew that Symphony X's stay in Japan this time would be short, so I never was thinking of "meeting" Mike. When the topic popped up, I already felt dizzy.

But Donna told Mike about the communication between me, and asked him if he would have time to meet me in Japan. Of course it couldn't be guaranteed yet but anyways he was positive to meet me, Donna told me so.

I was so honored and touched just to know that. I sent a message to Mike and said thank you for being positive to meet me. I also wrote that I thought the meeting would be difficult during the short stay with the unpredictable schedule. I also wished him to be interviewed a lot in Japan.

Then, for my surprise, Mike beautifully let most of the things I said just go past, and gave me a simple and friendly reply to progress the plan to meet. The details were to be confirmed.

Since then my mentality started to shake with these 2 monster excitements: "I'm going to see Symphony X live show for the first time!" and even "Possibly I will meet Mr. Mike LePond!?". I really thought that the shaking can cause death. It lasted for 5 months (and ever after).

May 2016, I started the weekly countdown like " 20 weeks to go to see Symphony X at Loud Park!" on my Facebook and Twitter. A couple of my Symphony X fan mates put reactions (Thank you!) , and also Mike put "Like!"s or "Love"s ♡ for many times, and even comments like "Yay!" sometimes. That also became one of the happy memories.

And finally, Sat October 8th 2016, around 12:40PM (info from Mike) by an airplain, Symphony X landed Japan!!!!!

In the evening of the day, I had an honor to meet Mike.

【BEFORE the talk】

I got an appointment to meet Mike at the lobby of the hotel he was staying.

I just thought I must have strayed into the another world. I was overwhelmed by the dreamy atmosphere of the hotel itself, AND I was going to meet Mr. Mike LePond there. I just couldn't deal with the too huge unbelievableness. My heart couldn't stop accelerating, my eyes looked around all direction restlessly. I was a total misfit there. But anyways I walked to meet Mike.

(Please let me mention at first. If both or one of us were married, this meeting itself could be considered as improper, but both are single. Also he never invited me into his room, nor I never broke into his room.)

I wandered and came to a place looked nice to sit down and spend some time. "Is this the place?!?!" My heart leaped. (It wasn't the place.)

I wandered further and....found Mike!!!
I will never forget the first sight of him. There were still 5.5 or 6.5 yards (5 or 6 meters) between him and me. He was sitting alone facing forward. I was walking towards him from his right side, so I saw his right plofile. That profile of him wore very cool and mysterious aura like a sorcerer. Also I was in shock to see Mike finally in front of my eyes. My legs stopped.

Then Mike looked towards the side I was standing, recognized me, stood up and smiled! Instantly the cool and mysterious aura vanished like mist and it was replaced by the gentle, soft and warm aura. 

At first I could make only tiny and slow steps forward, but 2 seconds later, joy overflowed and I rushed towards him! Mike spreaded his arms and we hugged each other! He even gave me a light kiss on the cheak! (later I realised that it is basic to kiss back as the Western way of greeting.)

After the hug, he took my both hands with his both hands, looked into my eyes and said
"How are you? I'm glad to see you. Thank you for coming."

In the messages from Donna she alerted me about Mike's sweetness and warmness, in summary He will kill you. Totally experienced!!!

About 1 year ago from this day, in October 2015, the interviewer lady Echo from The Metal Authority (Facebook) went to the Symphony X show in Florida. She wrote impressions of meeting all members of Symphony X on her Twitter, and Mr. LePond's sweetness was one of the impressive things when I read them. Now I experienced it, too!!!

"Now, Am I going to sit down here with Mike and talk....!?" I was pulsating. But Mike kept standing up, and said
"Well, How about to eat something and talk to know each other? I think this hotel has some restaurants. Is it OK for you?"
I wished it wasn't my last day. I only could feel like I was getting the special luck just before I die.

We started to walk the passage. While I was just struggling to catch up with the fact that I'm walking with Mike, he friendly started to talk.

Mike "Did you go to Loud Park today?"

Me "No. I failed to sleep last night, and gave up to go to Loud Park today. I wanted to see Myrath!"

(I purchased the ticket for both days of Loud Park. For the first day Sat October 8th, I had a plan to go there early and get the Symphony X T-shirt! → See Ronnie Romero with Lords of Black! → See Myrath! → Also enjoy other acts as many as possible! → Then go to meet Mike when I got contact! ....but I did the primitive failure to miss to sleep in the previous night. I felt like I had a short drowse when it was already morning. Alert rang and I tried to wake up but felt dizzy. I thought that if I went out without sleep, I would be sick and ruin everything. So I decided to have enough sleep before meeting Mike, and I gave up the first day of Loud Park.)

Mike "Myrath played today?"

Me "Yes. I knew them because they toured Europe with Symphony X recently, and I was interested in seeing their show, but I missed."

Mike "Ah, that's too bad! They are a great band! and nice guys."

It was indeed a big miss....(I have only myself to blame.) 

By the way, Mike wore a DIO's "Holy Diver" T-shirt. I was interested in the album to the point I could name the album when I saw the T-shirt, but I haven't listened to it yet. I wished I hurried and listened!! I had listened to Ronnie with Rainbow and Black Sabbath, and I love him. I remember that last year I was moved to see a photo on Mike's Facebook, of Mike and Ronnie together maybe in backstage of a festival in 2000s.

Along with the T-shirt, Mike wore a pair of blue jeans and a pair of black sneaker. And a slight touch of good scent. I don't know well about perfume so I can't guess which item from which brand it was, but the impression was refreshing, sweet, but a little bit spicy also.

There was a nice restaurant and we entered. We were guided to seats facing a window, with a beautiful view in front of our eyes, we sat down not facing each other but side to side (Mike was on the left and I was on the right). I just thought it really can be only a dream.

But Mike who came to Japan for the first time, was cutely enjoying the very realistic culture gap: "Ah, it's all yen." seeing the printed prices on the menu.
(Here I write beforehand that he treated me to this meal. I really can't thank him enough.)

When we enter the restaurant, Mike said to me "Please help me with Japanese language." and I was honored, but it was a hotel ready for international visitors so the menu had English language also, and the workers spoke English much more beautifully than me.

I was impressed by Mike says "Thank you" politely to the servers every time they brought the dishes or poured water into our glasses.

During the waiting time after we made orders, I pulled my copy of "Mike LePond's Silent Assassins" CD out of my bag.

Mike looked happy to see it, and he immediately said "This is the European version ."
(European version: from UDR. Title on the bottom. Round relief sculpture beyond the Torojan Horse)

Me "I bought this from amazon Japan. I couldn't choose the version." (at that time there was only 1 option to choose for the new one)

Mike "There is the American version also. But this one (European version) is beautiful, too."
(American version: from Knife Fight Media. Title on the top with decorated font. No round relief sculpture beyond the Torojan Horse)

Me "Yes, it's very beautiful!"

I really love the artwork of this European version digipack from the outside to the inside. (I don't have the American version so I'm not sure of the difference, though.) 

Me "Could I get your autograph, please?"
Mike "Sure!"

As I pulled out my pen, he laughed a bit and said "Oh, you....you are so prepared!"

The Silent Assassins CD cover is basically dark brown, so an ordinary black pen doesn't fit for autograph, so I had bought a silver pen some days earlier.

I handed that pen to Mike, and waited beside with my heart pulsating. Then Mike said....
"Before I sign, please let me make sure of your name. Yukari....Y-u-k-a-r-i....Is it right?"
Me "Right!!!"

I was really moved by the fact that he remembers my name, and even the spell....I didn't ask at all but he added my name and even "Thank You"! I appreciate it so much!!!!!

"Spell" has the meaning of "magic" also, and I think the fact that Mike pronounced the spell of my name, wrote it down together with his name, really has some wonderful magical effect for me!
Since right after I got home this day, this CD has been displayed and cherished at my home.

Maybe it was before the autograph, I handed Mike a gift.

Since I got the possibility to meet Mike, I wanted to hand him a gift which can be a souvenir of his visit to Japan. As I was thinking of something doesn't bulk during the travells, I thought the Japanese fan would fit. And I came up with this hopeless pun: A Japanese fan from a Japanese fan....then I prepared for all of the 5 members of Symphony X.

I should have chosen them by seeing directly to know the quality and everything, but the key point was the design so I wanted to choose from as many possibilities as possible, so I did internet shopping, excuse me....but of course I made sure of they had no defects after delivered.

My gratitude for people who made these fantastic fans!

To Mr. Michael LePond
"Horse"  Because of the Torojan Horse of Silent Assassins. Looks "metal" (silver).

 To Mr. Michael Romeo
"Moon"  Because of "3, Moon and Underworld (To Long Reading Hell and Back)" 

To Mr. Russell Allen
"Skull"  \m/

To Mr. Jason Rullo
"Fuu-jin (風神 Wind God) & Rai-jin (雷神 Thunder God)"  The Thunder God (left) is a drummer.

To Mr. Michael Pinnella
"Music score & Black cats"  Because of his post on Facebook (I couldn't help choosing this)

Also I wrote messages on postcards made of Japanese paper. For the 4 members who came to Japan in 1998, I wrote like this at first:

"WELCOME BACK TO JAPAN   This is the Odyssey in the 20th/21st century!"
(All who enjoys "The Odyssey" (2002) by Symphony X may know, but please let me write here just in case: "The Odyssey" by Homer = the story of the hero Odysseus from Ithaca island of Ancient Greece. He goes to the Torojan War, wins by the "Torojan Horse" tactics in the 10th year of the war, but on the way home various troubles happen, including getting the Sea God Poseidon's anger, it takes 10 years of the war + 10 years to go home = 20 years, then finally he achieves the return to his homeland, and reunion with his wife and son.)

So I chose this picture: "The 36 views of Mr. Fuji: The great wave off Kanagawa" (Symphony X played Kanagawa during their first visit to Japan in 1998) by Hokusai Katsushika

For Mr. LePond who achieved the first visit to Japan this time, I chose another picture:
 "The 36 views of Mr. Fuji: Clear day with southern breeze" by Hokusai Katsushika
I also got a handcarchief for Donna. And I wrote my gratitude for her help for this meeting with Mike, on a postcard with a photo of real Mt. Fuji and autumn leaves. I asked Mike to do me a favor to bring it back to USA and hand it to Donna at their next meeting. 

All set like this for each person:

I brought all these bags in 1 bigger carrier bag, and asked Mike to do me a favor to hand these bags to each members. He kindly consented, so I handed it to him. Again I thank him so much!

I pulled out the bag for Mike and handed it to him first. He took the fan out of the bag. The fan was shaped like a stick because it was closed, and he looked like not sure of how to open it.

I had drawn illustrations on the postcards to explain how to open it. I hope it made sense and everybody opened the fan! 

I opened  (just slided) it for Mike, and he said "Beautiful!" I explained him that I chose it because of the Torojan Horse of Silent Assassins, and the color of the horse looks "metal". He said "Ah!" and I think he looked delighted.

Many days later I wished that I asked Mike for a photo of him holding the fan!!

Mike read my message on the postcard in front of my eyes. I wrote like this:

"WELCOME TO JAPAN (big letters written with a Japanese pen which has touch like a writing brush) 
THANK YOU so much for having incredibly friendly communicaitons with me on Facebook, and now OFF Facebook, too!

And THANK YOU so much for your music with Silent Assassins and Symphony X! You really thrill me!
What a bliss to listen to you live!

Enclosed gift is a Japanese fan from a Japanese fan! (Sorry for the pun.) It makes you feel cool.
How to open: Please slide slowly  [Illustrations] "

When I handed the fan to Mike I said "a Japanese fan from a Japanese fan"....After that, when Mike was reading the postcard and reached the part, he said "Ah! I got it now. [laughs]"
" 'It makes you feel cool'....I see!" I got my joke read aloud by Mr. Mike LePond....


THE MAIN PART!!! ← Please enter here (a new window pops up)

(I couldn't cram it into the capacity for 1 post on this weblog)

Please come back here to check out "After the talk" also! ↓

【AFTER the talk】

After the incredible time of talk, finally the time to leave the seats came.

Before leaving the seats, I asked Mike for a selfie. When I became a fan of him, I never thought that the day I take a selfie with him will come!

Me "I'm not used to selfie. I'm not sure of where I look at!"

Mike "Me too! I always look around here! [moves his index finger around the camera roughly]"

He enjoyed even a little fuss like this together with me very warmly and friendly. I really appreciate it! I have got the gem of selfie!

After we got out of the restaurant, to more open place, I was thinking of asking someone to do me a favor to take a photo of Mike and me together, from a little bit of distance, covering the full-length. I told Mike about it, and he suggested "So, let's go to around the front desk. There are great workers so maybe we can ask there." I thanked him from the bottom of my heart. It was me who wanted to take photos, so I should have come up with the idea by myself and then tell him.

Walking in the beautiful hotel together with Mike again, I felt again and again, this can be only a dream.

In the sense that I strayed into the place where I don't belong, meeting my hero, and getting cared by the hero, I thought it was just like "The Divine Comedy" by Dante! Not the "Inferno" but the "Heaven", though! Mike is the Heaven version of Master Virgil.

I was there to meet Mike himself, not to visit the place, so I wasn't comparing Mike to Virgil as 'the guide' (before that I never wasn't comparing me to Dante), but for Dante in "The Divine Comedy", it is very important experience to meet Virgil and travel with him, so I thought it is similar from that point of view.

On the way to the front desk, we came to the place which looks nice to sit down and spend some time, where I thought "Is this the place to meet Mike?!" when I was wandering alone at first. Now I saw the place again, and recalled "Ah, it's the place my heart got killed for nothing...." but this time, there was a quite SOMETHING.....

Michael Romeo!!!!!

Talking on his mobile phone, sitting on a sofa.

I became really like Dante who got surprised on the journey and wants Master Virgil's care, I gasped and uttered a small shout "Mr. Romeo!" Then Mike said "Ah, Romeo is there." and started to walk towards him!!! While I was just standing still, Mike looked back at me and kindly encouraged  "Come on. It's OK." I sped after him!!!

Before I arrive, Mr. Romeo finished to talk on the phone, and greeted like "Ah, LePond!", then I was thrilled to hear closely Mr. Romeo & Mr. LePond do an ordinary conversation.
R "Did you have some sleep?"
L "Not yet. Just had some food. I'll stay awake for a couple of more hours, then sleep."
R "Me too. Now I'm going to see the guys." (maybe the tour staffs?)

Mike (Mr. LePond) introduced me to Mr. Romeo. Mr. Romeo said "Nice to see you." stood up and reached out his right hand to shake with me before I do so! I returned "Nice to see you.", said my name, and shook his hand with my both hands.

Then I realised, I can hand him the gift by myself!

I looked around to Mr. LePond, because I had handed him the carrying bag which contained all the little bags of gifts for each members. I was about to ask him to let me take the gift for Mr. Romeo out of the carrying bag, but he had already put the carrying bag on a table which was just next to me on my right side! Did he put it down there because he just thought we would stay there for a while? Or Did he foresee I would give the gift to Mr. Romeo by myself? When I looked around to Mr. LePond and my eyes met his, he was nodding and indicating the carrying bag with his eyes.

"I brought you a gift...." I said to Mr. Romeo and pulled out the little bag for him. Mr. Romeo was sitting on the sofa again, but stood up and received it. He took the postcard out of the bag, and read it in front of my eyes. I wrote like this:

"WELCOME BACK TO JAPAN (big letters written with a Japanese pen which has touch like a writing brush) 

It's the Odyssey in the 20th/21st century! Yesssss!!!!!

Thank you so much for your music with Symphony X and the solo album! It really makes me live!
What a bliss to listen to you live!

Recently I found your interview back in 2012, on a Bulgarian website Rock Live BG.
You were telling that Symphony X were really looking forward to go back to Japan, in an interview NOT for Japan. It was so touching. Thank you!

Enclosed gift is a Japanese fan from a Japanese fan! (Sorry for the pun.) It makes you feel cool.
How to open: Please slide slowly  [Illustrations] "

Soon after he started to read the postcard, he laughed slightly. I guessed he was reading "It's the Odyssey in the 20th/21st century"!
After reading it, Mr. Romeo lifted his eyes from it, looked at me straight and said "Thank you."

I also looked at him straight and said "Welcome back to Japan." That was such an immense happiness.

Mr. Romeo said "It's a long time." chuckling slightly, sounded like he compressed big feelings into it.

Just some weeks before this day, in September 2016, I found Mr. Romeo's interview done in 2012 on a Bulgarian website, of course NOT for Japan but he was saying Symphony X were really looking forward to go back to Japan. I was so touched and couldn't help myself to translate it into Japanese and post on this weblog. So, it was also really great happiness that I could see my emotion and gratitude for the interview were received by Mr. Romeo just in front of my eyes.
Later I realised that I didn't guide Mr. Romeo to open the fan (gift) and take a look. I wish he opened and saw it without promblem!

Because the place was the hotel, I also brought my copy of Mr. Romeo's solo album "The Dark Chapter" (1994) CD (also Mr. Pinnella's 2 solo albums "Enter By The Twelfth Gate" (2004) & "Ascension" (2014), and Symphony X "Underworld"). I was really only thinking "just in case", but that "just in case" happened....!

When I pulled out "The Dark Chapter" CD out of my bag, Mr. Romeo laughed slightly.

Me "Could I have your autograph, please?"
Mr. Romeo "Sure!"

My treasure....!
When I bought this CD, I never expected this to be autographed! (I bought this from a secondhand shop via internet in 2015. Not the original version in 1994, but the reissue in 2000.)

Mr. Romeo was scheduled to meet someones, as he said to Mr LePond previously, so he almost started to leave the place saying "Thank you for the gift." to me.

But at the moment I was about to ask him for a photo, holding my mobile phone in my hand. He saw it and noticed "Ah, a photo."

I was thinking "Can I find someone and ask to take a photo of us 3 (Mr. Romeo, Mr. LePond and me)?!", but while I was thinking so, Mr. LePond offered "I'll take it." and picked up my phone to take a photo of Mr. Romeo and me!

I got a treasure photo of Mr. Romeo and myself, taken by Mr. LePond! Mr. Romeo is standing on my right side, holding my left shoulder tight with his left arm!

This is also incredible that Mr. LePond held and used my phone! The shooting was great! Taken from not too far, not too near, and the picture is very clear!

After taking the photo, Mr. Romeo said "Thank you again." to me, gave me a hug and even a light kiss on my cheak! (Again I missed kissing back!) Then he left to another place.

As I saw Mr. Romeo off, I noticed that he wore a black Overkill workshirt (the back print said so). I knew that Overkill and Symphony X are mates from the same home ground New Jersey, and they toured North America and Canada together in September-October 2015. 

He also wore a pair of black long pants and a pair of black sneaker.

Mr. Romeo had a bass and strong voice, talked in a decisive but warm way. I was impressed by his dignity as a leader.

Right after seeing Mr. Romeo off, Mr. LePond kindly enjoyed the afterglow together with me, saying "Oh my God!" or "Crazy!". He was not on the Symphony X side with Mr. Romeo, but on the FAN side with me. Mr. LePond himself is one of my heroes and I was there to meet him this day! How warm and caring he is! My gratitude is really endless!

Mike and me restarted to walk towards the front desk.

Mike "I wonder all the bands play Loud Park are staying at different hotels."

Me "? Why?"

Mike "I'm looking for the other bands in this hotel but I don't see anyone. If I see David Coverdale, I'll be like you [makes panicking face and squeaking voice] 'Oh my Gooood!' [laughs]"

I never thought of getting done an impression by Mr. Mike LePond. (But all things happened this day were the things I never thought of happening.) It was great for me that Mike, who is really a gentleman, felt like tease me.

By the way, I really wish Mike will meet Mr. Coverdale someday, somewhere....!

We arrived around the front desk and asked a hotel staff to take a photo of Mike and me with my mobile phone. Thanks so much to the hotel staff for the great photo and wonderful hospitality!

I got an another treasure photo of the full length of Mike and me, Mike standing on my left side, holding my right shoulder around the neck by his right hand, leaning on me, our head touching each other.

Right after shooting it, the hotel staff said "Once again." (I thought I closed my eyes, but it was OK as I checked later.) The staff nodded and smiled like waiting for someone passes by our back, then the staff was about to take the photo again....at that instant, someone leaned to Mr. LePond and me from the back, holding our shoulders. I was stunned and looked back, and found Mr. Romeo!!!

Then the photo was taken. Such a huge treasure photo was added: Myself smiling (more like laughing), Mr. LePond sliming like "Oh, this rascal...." and between the 2 smiles, Mr. Romeo showing an impish grin, muscling in from the back.

"I was still around here!" said Mr. Romeo, already showing his back to Mr. LePond and me, starting to walk away, raising his right arm like saying "Bye!", and he left (again).

I repeated "Oh my God!" (only English language my brain could emit), thanked the hotel staff and received my phone back, checked the photo and got killed by laughter. Mr. LePond kindly enjoyed the afterglow together with me again. What a gem of happening really....

Like people who post the photos of meeting Mr. LePond on Facebook, I really want to show the photos proudly to the world and say "I had an honor to meet Mr. LePond! and Mr. Romeo!", but I stopped and considered because the photos include the information of the hotel. When Symphony X's next visit to Japan gets confirmed (Mr. LePond told me that there were nothing confirmed as of October 2016, but I really wish it will happen in near future!), maybe they will stay at another hotel, but also maybe they will stay at the same hotel. So I hesitated about providing the information about the hotel. And I decided not to post the photos.

Right after taking the treasure photo, finally the time to leave came. During talking at the restaurant, Mike asked me how I came to the hotel and how I go home, and I told that I came to the hotel by train and by walk, and go home by the same way. And when I was really about to leave, Mike kindly told me that he walks with me to the station! The night was still young around 8PM, I'm used to walk alone at night on the way home from work (of course it's not 100% safe in Japan too, but very ordinary) so I wasn't worrying at all. But I guess Mike who is from USA has much more of wariness than me, about a woman walking alone at night.

But all I had to do was just to go back the same simple and safe way I came. On the other hand Mike was taken to the hotel from the airport by car (maybe) and stayed inside the hotel. So the situation was, I knew my way well but Mike had to find it. Maybe it would be great if I asked him to walk with me to the station, but I just didn't feel like to add him a task to walk in the air of autumn night, when he was going to do the very very importaint show next day and also going to visit Australia for the first time to do the shows continuously. So I assured him that I can go alone safely. Mike kindly asked me and made sure "You can find the station? You know which train to take?" For safety, I could only believe and take care, but for knowledge of my way home, I could affirm so I nodded and made him relieved.

He gave me a hug again, and after we unfastened the hug, he took my both hands with his both hands, looked into my eyes and said "Thank you for coming and having fun time with me."

I felt like I was really ascending to the Heaven.

I told him my gratitude too (I never can tell enough!!!) , and I left my Master LePond-Virgil in the Heaven.

At the instant I stepped outside of the hotel, I thought "It's possible that I die today on the way home!" because I had such tremendous amount of happiness and luck at once!

"I just assured Mike that I can go alone safely, but really!? I definitely have to go home alive! I must not die until I see the Symphony X show!!!" shouting inside of my head, I went home.

Fortunatelly I arrived home alive.

And the next day, I experienced the Symphony X live show for the first time!!! I thought "Now I'm really dying!!!" among the so packed audience, going crazy to the setlist and the superb performance!

Plus, even there was a signing session! 

I'm still alive. Actually I have experienced the Heaven while I'm alive!!!!! 

I will post about the show and the signing session another time.



Yukari all good