Thank you for visiting. Here will be my various posts about Symphony X.
My name is Yukari. Female, Japanese. Born and living in Japan. Studying English and trying my best, but please let me know if you found mistakes in my sentences. Much appreciated. Putting "All good" on my handle name like a badge because I got the word from Mr. Pinnella on his Facebook, to my English dictation of his gear rundown video in Oct 2015! Please check my post out here at "Pinnella Gears @ GEAR GODS (2015)"! Also I got a huge honor to meet Mr. LePond in Japan on Oct 8th 2016! Please check my post out here at "To Heaven and Back - The Evening with Mr. Michael LePond"! On the next day Oct 9th 2016, I experienced Symphony X live show for my first time at Loud Park in Japan! YAY!!!!! / ご訪問ありがとうございます。Symphony Xについてのブログです。管理者プロフィール:Yukari 女性、日本生まれ日本在住。英語を学び、可能な限り正確を期しているつもりではありますが、お気付きの点がありましたら、お知らせくださいますと幸甚です。2015年10月にピネーラさんのギア紹介動画が出てピネーラさんのFacebookで紹介されたとき、その英語聞き取りを私がコメント欄に投稿、それに対しピネーラさんから "All good" 「まあ大丈夫」とのお言葉を頂きました!以来、その言葉を勲章のようにハンドルネームに付けています。このブログの投稿 "Pinnella Gears @ GEAR GODS (2015)" をご覧ください!2016年10月8日には、日本でレポンドさんとお会いすることができました!投稿『To Heaven and Back - マイケル・レポンド氏との夕べ』をご覧ください!その翌日2016年10月9日、Loud Parkで初めてSymphony Xのライヴ体験!!!
・別ブログ " 'All good' weblog about Mr. Michael Pinnella" から移動しました。初回投稿2015年10月 ・Moved from my " 'All good' weblog about Mr. Michael Pinnella". First post was in Oct 2015.
Hey everyone, this is Mike Pinnella from Symphony X at Regent in Los Angeles on the Overkill / Symphony X tour. [Regent Theatre, Tue Oct 6th 2015] Erm...just a quick overview of the gear museum.
Got RolandV-Synth, original model of XT. Erm, mainly for solos sounds and a couple bass things I do. 2008 I got this. Awesome keyboard I love.
I know this, er...GT. Now I only have messed around to match and I'm really happy with this [V-Synth]. You know, like to get another one next to rule. It's been around world cup of times, ha!
It's so programable. You can, you know, do everything you want pretty much. Start from scratch, you know. Start with the sine wave or whatever wave you wanna work with, just go from there. And I push it as sampling also.'s got the step sequencer in it. Great board.
All saved on the ThumbDrive, so it's easy.(Gear Gods: Oh, wow!) Yeah. We go from place to place, you know, going touring Europe or South America, they just rent everything, I go with my ThumDrive, pop it in, good to go.
They just sorted it [MOTIF ES7] out really well. You know, I load all the songs with that doing in, there are set of the patches up as a song. So I just gotta scroll through from song to song, and all my patches are right here on the key pad.
(Keyboards section ends. The video continues to another sections)
"All good" という言葉をこのとき初めて見たのですが、なぜかすぐに、これは「オールがグッド」という文字通りの意味ではなく、「(細部は違ってるけど)全体としてまあ良し」という意味だと思いました。調べると、やはり全肯定の意味ではなくて、「問題ない」「大丈夫」という感じの用法だとわかりました。ミスした人をフォローするのにも使えるフレーズ!やはり正しい方向の解釈をすぐにできていたと判明。朗報か悲報かわかりません。しかし、ピネーラさんがそのフォローの言葉をくださったこと、追加説明もしてくださったことに、本当に感謝し、感激しています!
【Special thanks】
I watched the GEAR GODS video on Michael Pinnella's post on his facebook on Thu Oct 15th 2015, and did the English dictation, then dived and posted it to the comment form of his facebook post, and asked if it is correct. It was midnight, very early AM of Sat Oct 17th 2015 in Japan.
When I posted it from Japan, it was around 2PM Fri Oct 16th 2015 in Silver Springs, Maryland, USA where he was staying for Symphony X / Overkill tour. In spite of it was the day of the show, he kindly answered.
↑Please see the screenshot above.(the shown time is Japanese time. 13 hours advanced than EDT.)
"All good. The Roland-V-synth is for solos and some synth bass. The sampler is for big choir stabs and some gang vocal stabs."
I saw the phrase "all good" for the first time, but somehow I immediately felt that it doesn't litetally mean "all is good" but means "(there are some not accurate points but) OK generally." I looked up the meaning and learned that I got it correly and instantly. I'm not sure it is good news or bad news for me. But! of course I'm so happy and grateful for that Mr. Pinnella gave me the kind words and even added more information!
Since then, I've been putting "all good" on my name for weblog and twitter like a badge.
Also Tony from France, who I made friends with since then, kindly gave corrections to my English dictation on the comment form of Mr. Pinnella's facebook thread.
Also Mr. Sada told me about gears and Japanese translation on twitter.
I had only interests in gears but had almost no knowledge, so it was really helpful.