Thank you for visiting. Here will be my various posts about Symphony X.
My name is Yukari. Female, Japanese. Born and living in Japan. Studying English and trying my best, but please let me know if you found mistakes in my sentences. Much appreciated. Putting "All good" on my handle name like a badge because I got the word from Mr. Pinnella on his Facebook, to my English dictation of his gear rundown video in Oct 2015! Please check my post out here at "Pinnella Gears @ GEAR GODS (2015)"! Also I got a huge honor to meet Mr. LePond in Japan on Oct 8th 2016! Please check my post out here at "To Heaven and Back - The Evening with Mr. Michael LePond"! On the next day Oct 9th 2016, I experienced Symphony X live show for my first time at Loud Park in Japan! YAY!!!!! / ご訪問ありがとうございます。Symphony Xについてのブログです。管理者プロフィール:Yukari 女性、日本生まれ日本在住。英語を学び、可能な限り正確を期しているつもりではありますが、お気付きの点がありましたら、お知らせくださいますと幸甚です。2015年10月にピネーラさんのギア紹介動画が出てピネーラさんのFacebookで紹介されたとき、その英語聞き取りを私がコメント欄に投稿、それに対しピネーラさんから "All good" 「まあ大丈夫」とのお言葉を頂きました!以来、その言葉を勲章のようにハンドルネームに付けています。このブログの投稿 "Pinnella Gears @ GEAR GODS (2015)" をご覧ください!2016年10月8日には、日本でレポンドさんとお会いすることができました!投稿『To Heaven and Back - マイケル・レポンド氏との夕べ』をご覧ください!その翌日2016年10月9日、Loud Parkで初めてSymphony Xのライヴ体験!!!
<Please read this in your head with the voice of Orson Welles lol>
(Just for your information: Orson Welles (1915-1985), actor from USA, did a radio drama on Oct 30th 1938 and it made a lot of listeners believe that attack from the Mars was happening for real. And the story was based on the same novel that Michael Romeo was inspired to make the solo album which is out in 2018....)
Michael Romeo announced the solo album "WAR OF THE WORLDS / PT. 1", out on July 27th 2018!
So, I started to read the novel. The Mars starts invading our Earth....they release some "cylinders" towards our Earth....when the Mars is at the location called "Opposition".
"Opposition" is a name in the real astronomy. It means that the specific planet (the Mars in this case), the Earth and the Sun align straight, and the specific planet is 180 degrees opossite to the Sun, seeing from our Earth in the middle. Mars Opposition happens 1 time per 2 years roughly.
Instead of the Martians release the killer cylinders towards us, Michael Romeo releases the killer album towards us!
Plus, this date even fitted the "new music Friday" rule which sets all release dates on Fridays!
I guess "Pt. 2" (Michael Romeo says it's already almost done) will be released when the next Mars Opposition happens, on October 13th 2020 or nearest Friday 9th or 16th!
*Added on October 14th 2020 This prediction ended up only my delusion!! lol
Pt. 2 wasn't released yet. No information yet either. The next Mars Opposition will be December 8th 2022! If the release date won't be related to the Mars anymore, I just wish it will be released asap!
*Added part ends
Also THE MARS COMES CLOSER TO OUR EARTH IN JULY 2018. (The closest is July 31st.)
In 2003, the Mars came closest in these 59,635 years (!) to our Earth. And this time in July 2018, the Mars will be nearly as big and bright as it was in 2003!
Full moon can be the symbol of full resurrection or perfection. And total lunar eclipse does it in one night!
May 30th 2018, when this album was announced and the 1st lyric video "Black" was released, had an almost full moon (slightly after full moon) also. (Moon phases calendar of May 2018 at Moongiant)
(added on July 19th 2018) July 19th 2018, when the 3rd lyric video "Fear the Unknown" was released, had the almost half moon and the Lunar X! (Related article at Cloudy Nights)
(Previous one was "Underworld" by Symphony X. "The Divine Comedy" by Dante, number 3, Moon, Pluto and Charon....I wrote the hell of long reading here. Much gratitude to everyone who visited / will visit!)
By the way, the Mars has already got woven into Symphony X because "Mars, the Bringer of War" from "The Planets" suite by Gustav Holst was used in the song "The Divine Wings of Tragedy" (It stars from around 4:22 of this video. Thank you very much for this great video, Mr. Papeghin!)
3、4分代頃からクローン病(腸が炎症や潰瘍を起こす慢性病)の話、息をのんで聞きました。罹患して20年。(Symphony X加入の少し前からか……)手術3回。Symphony X公演のキャンセル1回。 「ツアーで世界のどこかにいて、本当に本当にひどい痛みが出てベッドに横になっていて、出発時間の5分前に無理矢理起きて、着替えて、ステージヘ上がって公演する、ということもよく起きる。乗り越えられる唯一の理由は、古い格言 "Show Must Go On"(ショウは続かなければならない)だよ」
2017年のRoss The Boss Bandツアー中に、ヴォーカルのMarc Lopesさんがレポンドさんを巻き込んでFacebookで投稿していた神動画シリーズ "Mike & Marc Show" を楽しみましたが、レポンドさんが「何日か体調が悪かったけど復活したよ」と話している回があって、痛みが出たのかなと心配したこともありました。
レポンドさん「そう(笑)ドイツにいるメンバー達も参加していると聞いた。そしてレコーディングに参加して、彼らは去年(2017年)ツアーもやったんだ。僕はRoss The Boss Bandの公演がたくさんあったから残念ながら参加できなかったけどね。そしてニュースがあるんだよ。トロイがまた連絡をくれて、次のThemのアルバムでも僕がベースを弾くことになって、来月(2018年2月)レコーディングをするんだ」
題材の情報源は、歌詞と、インターネット上で読んだいくつかのレポンドさんのインタヴューと、レポンドさんのFacebookです。(7曲目 The Mulberry Treeは他のかたとレポンドさんのやりとりを拝見しました。3曲目Antichristは私が質問しレポンドさんにご回答を頂きました。ありがとうございます!)
各曲の題材リストをFacebookで投稿したところ、レポンドさんから"VERY GOOD!!!"とのコメントを頂きましたので間違いありません!
1. Masters Of The Hall 「殿堂の主君達」
題材:ベオウルフ Beowulf (ウィキペディア)
2. Black Legend 「黒い伝説」
題材:中世スペインの異端審問 Spanish Inquisition (ウィキペディア)
3. Antichrist 「反キリスト」
題材:ローマ皇帝ネロ Roman Emperor Nero (ウィキペディア)
4. I Am The Bull 「我は猛き牡牛」
題材:ギリシャ神話のミノタウロス Minotaur of Greek myth(ウィキペディア)
5. Avengers Of Eden 「楽園の復讐者達」
題材:ラヴクラフトの小説『サルナスの滅亡』Lovecraft "The Doom That Came To Sarnath"
あらすじ:「ムナール」地方に、水棲生物のような種族の住む都市「イブ 」があり、
6. Hordes Of Fire 「炎の群れ」
題材:ラヴクラフトの小説『魔宴』Lovecrat "The Festival"
(東京創元社『ラヴクラフト全集』 5巻に収録。
7. The Mulberry Tree 「桑の木」
題材:ローマ&ギリシャ神話のピュラモスとティスベ Pyramus and Thisbe of Roman/Greek myth (詳細:ウィキペディア)
8. Pawn And Prophecy 「王の手先と予言」
題材:シェイクスピア演劇『マクベス』Shakespeare "Macbeth"
(新潮文庫 などで和訳あり。
Part 1 Overture「前奏曲」
Part 2 The Weird Sisters「奇妙な姉妹」
Part 3 Scotland「スコットランド」
Part 4 Regicide「大逆罪」
Part 5 Crowning Of The New King「新王の戴冠」
Part 6 Path Of Destruction「破壊の道」
Part 7 Return To The Weird Sisters「奇妙な姉妹のもとへ再び」
Part 8 A Fond Farewell「愛を込めてさようなら」
Part 9 Battle Of Dunsinane「ダンシネインの丘の戦い」
Part 10 To The Death「死へ」
Part 11 Celebration Dance「祝福の舞踊」
日本盤CDボーナストラック Ballad Of The Witches「魔女達のバラード」
(8曲目 Pawn And Prophecy から、3人の魔女が登場するPart 2, Part 7を中心に別の1曲に変身させたトラック)
Symphony Xのベーシスト、マイク・レポンドは、ソロプロジェクトSilent Assassinsのアルバム2作目リリースに向け準備を整えている。そしてこれは野獣のようなアルバムだ。Pawn and Prophecyは、このベーシストの愛好する文学を題材とする8曲の旅へとリスナーを誘う。その内容はギリシャ神話からH.P.ラヴクラフトの作品まで。このアルバムにおける傑作は20分に及ぶ壮大なシェイクスピア『マクベス』の音楽版で、その演劇と同様、展開にたくさんのひねりが用意されている。
リリースされた曲"Avengers of Eden"がH.P.ラヴクラフトの小説を題材にしている、ということで、全曲が文学を題材にしているのかなと思いました。
実際このアルバムにはラヴクラフトの小説を題材にしている曲が2曲あるんだ。("Avengers of Eden"の)原作の題名は"The Doom That Came To Sarnath"『サルナスの滅亡』だったと思う。
(訳注:"Avengers Of Eden" YouTubeで公開)
それから2、3週間後に2つ目のシングルがリリースされる予定で、そちらはラヴクラフトの"The Festival"『魔宴』を題材にしているんだ。
(訳注:"Hordes Of Fire" YouTubeで公開)
ドラマーでもあり、2016年にRoss The Boss Bandにドラマーとして参加。バンドを率いる元ManowarギタリストRoss Friedmanの甥。2016年終わりに新ラインナップとなりレポンドさん参加。その際ドラマーは元ManowarのKenny "Rhino" Earlとなったが、2017年夏にRhino脱退、Lance Barnewold氏が再びドラマーとなる。 Ross The Boss Band Facebook
Rod Rivera:ギター(Track 5, 6, 7)
レポンドさん参加バンドRivera/Bomma(アメリカ ニュージャージー州拠点)ギタリスト Rivera/Bomma Facebook
Andry Lagiou:リードヴォーカル(Track 8)
バンドThe Harps(ギリシャ拠点)ヴォーカリスト The Harps Facebook
メンバー紹介 以上)
初アルバムのときに学んだよ。(訳注:初アルバムの参加者は全員レポンドさんと同じくアメリカ ニュージャージー州在住。上記Alan Tecchio, Michael Romeo, Michael Pinnellaの他には"Metal" Mike Chlasciak<ギター>が参加)「わあ、僕は世界中にミュージシャンの知り合いがいるぞ」と考えようとしていて、それで最初は世界中のいろいろなプレイヤー達やシンガー達に話を持ちかけ始めたんだ。でも、それで現実にどうなるかを考えると、「うわあ、人に音楽を送って送り返してもらうだけというのはいやだな。実際に一緒にスタジオにいたい」となった。
このアルバムで僕の好きな曲は"I Am The Bull"でした。理由はすばらしいベースだけでなく、とにかく何か荘厳な雰囲気があるからです。あのボコボコにされたような、ヴァイキング的と言ってもいいような雰囲気が僕は大好きです。あの曲であなたが弾いているのは8弦か12弦のベースですか?
(訳注:Oktober Guitars社製 John Gallagherモデル。
2016年終わり頃から参加のRoss The Boss Bandのライヴでも使用。 画像(Ross The Boss Band Facebook) )
4弦ベースを弾いていたときにこのリフを思いついたんだけど「おいちょっと、これを8弦で弾かせてみてくれ」となった。そして8弦で弾いてみると、ずっと豊かに聞こえて、音がそんなに響くとは思っていなかったほどよく響いて、本当にクールなサウンドだったんだ。それで僕は「よし、この曲は8弦で行くぞ。でもソロは4弦でやろう」となった。4弦と8弦で同じことをして境界線をあいまいにしたくなかったので、弦楽器で第一旋律になるものではいろいろなことをして、1つはちょっと低い音で、1つはちょっと高い音で、という具合になるように努めた。この曲は本当にスローな、じわじわと進んで行くようなBlack Sabbath的な雰囲気を持つことになった。
1. Nevermore
2. Run with the Devil
3. Underworld
4. Without You
5. Set the World on Fire
6. Serpent's Kiss
7. Out of the Ashes
8. Of Sins and Shadows
9. Sea of Lies
Loud Parkのサイト内フォトギャラリー に、印刷されたセットリストの写真 があり、最後の "Sea of Lies" がないですね。 恐いことしないでくださいよ!集団幻覚だったかと思うじゃないですか! 実際は演奏されました!
フェスの進行が徐々に押していっていたのでSymphony Xが1曲減らされそうになり、憤怒のラッセルが1曲守ったという既に伝説のような噂が当日にもう出ていたのが後から考えて面白すぎて最高だと思ったのですが、それが事実だとしたら、ありがとう、ラッセル!!!そして、その1曲が "Sea of Lies" だったのか!?
2016年12月Loud Park 16のFacebookやTwitterで、2017年1月1日&2日にJ:COMで放送されるとの発表!私は観られないのですが、放送はすばらしい!Facebookでレポンドさんにお伝えしたら、wow!!!!!!!!!と、驚き喜んでいらっしゃいました。その後Symphony XのFacebookでも 紹介投稿!
このサイン会のピネーラさんの番の私については、後から考えれば考えるほど、他に言うべきことがたくさんありました。レポンドさんに預かって頂いたはがきに書いていたとしても、直接、日本にお帰りなさい、あなたの音楽をありがとうございます、と言ったら良かった。数ある選択肢の中から最終ボタンみたいな「ハグ」を選択、そしてそれが不発、とは、コントかよ!という面白みすら出てきました。いずれにしても思い出に刻印されました。そして、この私の「やらかした」感について、もしピネーラさんにお伝えする機会があるならば、それこそ "All good"「まあ大丈夫」と言われる案件ではないだろうか……などと思いました。
Photo during waiting for the start. I screamed and clapped just the backdrop came up.
Couldn't reach the front row, but I managed to get in the 3rd or 4th row, on the LePond & Pinnella side.
Being in the so packed audience (How happy being IN it!), Overeture of "Underworld" album started, goosebumps, screems, and the first thing I saw was Mr. Michael LePond posing like THIS! (a post on Facebook) (A proffessional photo from an another show.) The bass was higher and he was looking up much higher.
I was thunderstruck! I will never forget the scene.
Mr. LePond plays THOSE insane songs smiling, looking audience very well and acting like having conversations, banging his head to the music...I was touched by his agressiveness for the show, the way he shows that he is enjoying the show! I newly wanted to shout out to him "Welcome to Japan!!!!!"
Also I was so happy to see Mr. Pinnella live!!! Seeing the way his hands beautifully come up leaving from the keyboards after playing fast, I was so excited like "Yes it is! I'm seeing real him!" Watching "Gigantour"(2005) DVD, I became a fan of his skill "to deal with the long hair with sending breath from his mouth, when his both hands are busy" and I was a kind of looking forward to see it live too, but I didn't see it. I'm not sure I just missed or he wasn't doing it.
In the Gear Gods video which came out in Oct 2015, he was telling that his gears are rental for European or South American tours, and when I was seeing photos from various shows on internet, it looked like the item on the top changes often. So I was looking forward to see what he would use in Japan, where is the home country of Roland, YAMAHA, many other musical instrument companies.
The bottom was the steady YAMAHA MOTIF ES7, and I think the top was Roland V-Synth, the same as the Gear Gods video! Also I was amused to see the ThumbDrive Mr. Pinnella talked about in the Gear Gods video, the USB flash memory which makes it easy to get ready even when the synthesizer is rental, put into the YAMAHA MOTIF ES7. I didn't really see the memory itself, but I saw the vivid pink strap attached to the memory and knew it was there. I think the strap is for avoiding to lost the memory. Cute color!
I will never forget my flood of excitment when I listen to the beginning of "Underworld" (the song), that meant Mr. Pinnella's sound.
Being in the packed crowd on the LePond & Pinnella side, I couldn't see Mr. Jason Rullo well but during the show I kept feeling that his drums were providing the energy to the show. THOSE kicks...! Like heart of the band really!!!
I couldn't see Mr. Romeo well either, but he became visible from me sometimes, and the fact that I was finally listening to him live just kept thrilling me!!! I've been seeing posts on internet from people who saw him very clearly but couldn't believe what was happening! His guitar, and himself ROCKS really.
And Mr. Russell Allen.... I was always thinking he is one of the best singers on this planet, but, he is even WAAAAAAAY greater than I was thinking I know! THAT singing, actions, power to involve the audience... I was so happy to be one of his audience!!!
It was so unreal that the hundreds, thousands of people jumped togehter lead by him!
I was glad to join the "1! 2! 3! 4! Arrrrrrrrrgh!!!" lead by Mr. Allen and Mr. Rullo on the drums. I wanted to do it someday, watching videos from the shows in the foreign countries.
Mr. Allen (to the audience in the middle area and in the Romeo side) "You're OK. But you (to the audience in the Pinnella & LePond side, including me) are not. ARE! YOU! REALLLYYY! F*CKIN'! READYYY! TO! ROOOOOCK!?!?" (Sorry if the details are different from what he actually said.) I loved it so much and laughed hard. He was like a watchman(watchmonster) supervising the sinful souls in the Hell !
I was so thrilled to listen to his live vocal of "Underworld" (the song). Listening to the original recording, I always think "There must be 2 singers!!" and around 4:53-5:00 of the playtime, I always have goosebumps to know (yes I knew, but newly) "It's the same 1 singer!!". And the thrill was totally the same in the live show!!!!!
I was amused to see Mr. Allen went to tease Mr. LePond. Mr. Allen stood back of Mr. LePond, reached his right hand to the right side of Mr. LePond's right hand, and played the bass together! Both were smiling and looked so joyful !
It was too bad that Mr. Romeo (and Mr. Allen) didn't do the "blind" play!
Seeing the photo on the weblog version of Revista Keyboard Brasil (a Brazilian digital magazine about keyboards) , I learned that Mr. Allen also goes to tease Mr. Pinnella. So I was a bit looking forward to see it, but it didn't happen this time.
It was a festival, so the showtime had to be shorter than their own shows, but the setlist was THIS. (Linked to )
1. Nevermore
2. Run with the Devil
3. Underworld
4. Without You
5. Set the World on Fire
6. Serpent's Kiss
7. Out of the Ashes
8. Of Sins and Shadows
9. Sea of Lies
You experienced this....!!!!! (grabbing myself by around chest, pulling and pushing)
Loud Park website has the photo gallery which has a photo of the printed setlist, and "Sea of Lies" at the last is missing, but it was played actually!
It was a festival, so the start times of each act were gradually being later than scheduled. Symphony X's show had to start later than the time table, too. Just after Symphony X did the show, while everybody were sharing experiences and emotions on the internet, a rumor went around: "The administration of Loud Park told Symphony X to reduce 1 song from the planned setlist, but Russel went mad and protected the song." It was already like a legend!! It was only some hours after they did the show again in Japan after 18 years. The new "legend" amused me so much. But, if it was the fact, Thank you so much Russell !!! Was the protected song "Sea of Lies" !?
December 2016, Loud Park's Facebook and Twitter announced that the shows will be broadcast on January 1th & 2nd 2017 by a cable TV called J:COM! I don't have the channel, but it's great! When I told about it to Mr. LePond via Facebook, he said "wow!!!!!!!!!" and enjoyed the news. After that, Symphony X's Facebook made a post to introduce the broadcast!
AND, even the autograph session was held after the show!!!!!
In order of signing
Top right: Jason Rullo, Top left: Michael Romeo, Center: Russell Allen,
Bottom right: Michael LePond, Bottom left: Michael PInnella (beautiful....!)
The way to join the autograph session was to buy "Underworld" CD at the booth on the day and get the ticket. Limited up to 200 people. The item to be autographed was the participant's choice. 1 item per each person. As the photo above, I got the autographs on "Underworld" booklet, but it was not the new one I bought at the booth, but the one I bought when it was out in July 2015. I kept the new CD which I bought at the booth unopened, and later gave it to my friend who loves foreign (seeing from Japan) music, but hadn't listened to Symphony X yet. She enjoyed it!
About 1 year before this day, in October 2015, the interviewer lady Echo from The Metal Authority (Facebook) gathered questions to Mr. Allen from her followers on Facebook and Twitter, and among them, she gave 2 people the autographs of Symphony X members as a lottery gift, and I was so happy to get 1 of the 2 sheets of autographs! I framed it and have been cherishing like this.
Among this autographs, Mr. Pinnella's autograph (top left) was written with a different pen. I asked Ms. Echo the reason. She told me that her pen was missing temporally, and Mr. Pinnella brought his pen and helped. I was impressed by the episode.
This time in October 2016, I was impressed through my own eyes. Symphony X members were sitting side by side in a low in this order (the signing progressed from left to right):
Rullo → Romeo → Allen → LePond → Pinnella
A silver pen and a black pen were ready in front of each member. A silver pen was to sign on something dark colored like the booklet of "Underworld", and a black pen was to sign on something light colored. When Mr. Pinnella had to wait a bit for his turn to sign, he quickly looked at the item coming towards him, chose the color of the pen and got ready! Cool !!
While Mr. Pinnella was showing such efficiency and coolness, a participant brought a big red poster of Loud Park to be signed. When Mr. LePond was signing, Mr. Pinnella reached his arm from the side to sign at the same time, but stopped like "Oops." because he noticed that the color of his pen was different from the other 4 autographs, then he changed the pen and restarted. Cute....
The red Loud Park poster looked OK to be signed with both of silver pen and black pen. Mr. Rullo did the autograph first, and all other members chose the same color, I realised later. (There might be some sets of autographs done in uneven colors! But it might be lovely. As the photo above, the one I got from Ms. Echo was actually done in uneven colors, and I love it with the story behind.)
The previous day of Symphony X's show and the autograph session, I had a huge honor to meet Mr. LePond, and even ran into Mr. Romeo. (the report on this weblog.) I brought a Japanese fan, I mean the tool to send wind, as gift to each member of Symphony X, enclosed a card with the gift, and I wrote my joy to welcome them to Japan, my gratitude to their music, everything I wanted to say. I succeeded to hand the card to Mr. LePond and Mr. Romeo, and they read it in front of my eyes. And I asked Mr. LePond to do me a favor to hand the gift to Mr. Rullo, Mr. Allen and Mr. Pinnella.
Under such situation, during waiting for my turn at the autograph session, with my heart pulsating so fast to death, I was wondering what would be the best to say/do when I stood in front of Mr. Rullo, Mr. Allen and Mr. Pinnella for the first time, for just some seconds.
While I was wondering, watching the autograph session progress, I saw some people doing hugs with the members. It's the best way to use the limited few seconds! I thought so.
But I was not brave enough to ask all members for a hug, and I had been already given great hugs by Mr. LePond and Mr. Romeo in the previous evening. After a mess in my brain, I decided to try to ask Mr. Allen and Mr. Pinnella for a hug. I should have asked Mr. Rullo also! I thought later.
Finally my turn came! I just didn't know what to do, but Mr. Rullo was doing so so great at the head of the low, welcoming all participants with his warm smile and shaking hands! I was rescued by that. I knew he is handsome, but I was impressed newly! His comparatively short hair style looked cool also. He was shining!
"Welcome back to Japan. The show was great! I met Mr. LePond yesterday and brought you a gift. I hope you like it." I said so, and he said "OK, thank you."
Next, Mr. Romeo! "I happened to meet you yesterday." I said. Mr. Romeo said "Ah." and looked like he remembers me. Yay! "The show was great. I'm so happy that I saw it!" I said, and Mr. Romeo said "Thank you." with a smile. I was impressed again by his warmness!
Next, Mr. Allen! Whooooa! The person who is the reason I started to listen to Symphony X, the person I think one of the best singers on this planet, is in front of me! "You are the best singer in the world!" I said. Mr. Allen smiled (he was wearing a pair of sun glasses but his smile was recognizable) and said "Thank you." I asked "Could I have a hug with you?" "OK." I had a hug with him! I also said about the gift as the same way as I told to Mr. Rullo.
And Next!! Mr. LePond! In the previous evening I met him and had a so so great time that will definitely be included in the digest scenes of my life I will see when I die. But during I was waiting for my turn of this autograph session, a fear came to me thinking of the case Mr. LePond doesn't remember the meeting so deeply, and doesn't recognize me as the same person he met in the previous evening. But before I say/do something when I stood in front of him, he already recognized me and was waving his hand to me, saying nothing! It's too cute Mr. LePond....but if somebody was watching, he/she would think "Hmm? know each other already?" ! while I was thinking so, his autograph was already done (during I was doing a hug with Mr. Allen?) and while I was lost, the staff asked the whole participants to progress faster. I said almost nothing to Mr. LePond!
Then I stood in front of Mr. Pinnella. Shook hands! Autograph started very quickly and elegantly! It looked like I had time to say only 1 thing. I think I said something like greeting (I can't remember) then I asked "Could I have a hug with you?" I thought he said "Sure!", but he stretched only his left arm at the level of his shoulders, his eyes were looking at the direction of his left hand, so it looked like I was said "Walk this way" = leave. When I got confused, the staff asked me to progress, and my autograph session ended.
At the moment I leave, I heard Mr. Pinnella was saying something to Mr. LePond like "Maybe she....". So Mr. LePond asked Mr. Pinnella what happened? I was totally lost. "Was I said to progress (= end my turn) by Mr. Pinnella???" I felt like entered the gate of the Hell. (with no guide!)
After nearly an hour, watching Nightwish's beautiful stage from the back of the audience area, I didn't know why but suddenly this thought came up in my head: "Mr. Pinnella was spreading his left arm and waiting for me to do a hug???" If so (if not so, both ways) it's one of the biggest failure in my life!!!
Failure? No, no, no, wait wait wait, I shook hands with him....with his hand, that plays the music! I was struck by a fresh impression, and my brain which was traveling in the universe in those 2 days came back to the earth, maybe.
About me at the Mr. Pinnella's turn of the autograph session, the more I look back, the more I find that I had so many other things to say. Regardless of I wrote everything on the card that I asked Mr. LePond to hand him, it would be great for me to tell my joy to welcome him back to Japan, and my gratitude for his music directly to him. Among the so many options, I chose the thing like the final button "hug", and it didn't work. Finely too awkward and I even started to love it. Anyways it was engraved to my memory. If I have a chance to tell him about this fumble, it would be also the case that he kindly says "All good"....I gussed so.
I also wondered why it is great when I get autographs, photos, shaking hands, hugs, interactions via the internet and directly from the people whose job is to provide great music to the world....? But I guessed it's because I'm always helped by the great music in my daily life, or even if not taking it so deeply, I simply feel amazing when I listen to the music, so I feel great when I get chances to say thank you, and souvenirs to know it happened. Also I guessed that if the fans think these things would trouble the musicians and stopped these things at all, the musicians would have dreary feelings (of course I think it depends on the person, though).
During the autograph session, taking photos with Symphony X members was banned by the administration, but when all the autograph was done and they were about to leave the place, there were some people who succeeded in taking photos with the members!
I think the staffs had to end the event safely and quickly, had to consider the schedule, so they started to announce "Please avoid taking photos!". Because if all of the participants (around 200 people) there asked the members for a photo, it would take so long time. Mr. Romeo was about to take a photo with fans near the place I was standing. Mr. Romeo recognized the atmosphere (or the Japanese language itself?!) of the announcement banning to take photos, and he encouraged the fans who was just taking a photo with him, saying "Go! go! go! ....Got it?" He really rules.
When Symphony X finally leave the place, applause arose from the fans naturally. The members answered it waving hands, and left beyond the door at the end of the passage.
My first experience of Symphony X was so HUGE.
Thank you to the staffs ran Loud Park and the autograph session, Thank you for Symphony X!!!!!
I think their return to Japan (and the first show for many many people) was ENORMOUS success.
(I saw the original post here on facebook, Mr. LePond shared. )
I'm wishing from the bottom of my heart to see Symphony X again in Japan in near future!!!!!
私:私もです!ポーの、ダークな作品だけでなく、美しい作品も好きです。題名を今思い出せないですが……(『妖精の島』"The Island of the Fay" 創元推理文庫の全集では第3巻収録)川に浮かぶ島についての作品があって、とても美しくて、そうした作品も好きです。
レポンドさんとエドガー・アラン・ポーの話をできたなんて感無量……と思っていたら、Symphony X "King of Terrors" の話をしなかったことに何日も後から気付いて大後悔しました。『陥穽(落とし穴)と振子』"The Pit and the Pendulum" を曲にしようと言い出したのはどなたなのか。収録アルバム "The Odyssey"(2002年)では(以降の他のアルバムでも)アルバムのアイディアはほとんどロメオ様が準備していたようなので、たぶんロメオ様だろうとは思うのですが、もしかしてレポンドさんではなかったか。ラッセル(あの朗読とシャウトに鳥肌!)やピネーラさんやジェイソンもポーの読者なのか。興味津々です。
もしLoud Park 14に出演していても、バンドとして初来日の1998年から16年後のこと……そして今回2016年に、ついに18年ぶりの再来日を果たしたわけですが、レポンドさんにとっては、1999年(2000年発表のアルバム "V: The New Mythology Suite"から)Symphony X加入以来、バンドの他の皆さんとほぼ同じ年数、1人だけ全く来日がないままだったわけで、本当に、祝・初来日!!!
私:2012年のPSMS....(レポンドさんがご存知ない様子だったので説明)Mike Portnoy, Billy Sheehan, Tony MacAlpine, Derek Sherinianが(Mike: すごいね!)バンドを組んでPSMSと名乗っていたんですが、2012年に来日して、そのとき初めて彼を(メンバー全員を)観て、あれはベースか?!と本当にびっくりしました。
そのレポンドさんの温かさの胸をお借りして、どんどん発話していきました。しかし、やはり、言い直しが多い!言葉を探す回数が多い!と、内心、阿鼻叫喚だったのですが、会話中、ふとレポンドさんが「きみの英語はとても上手だね」 "Your English is very good."と言ってくださり、どれだけ感謝感激したかわかりません。
この日からほぼ1年前の2015年10月、The Metal Authority (Facebook)のEchoさんがSymphony Xフロリダ公演へ行かれた際、各メンバーと会った印象をツイッターで書いていらっしゃって、レポンドさんのスイートさについても印象的で覚えていたのですが、それを私も実感できました!
(私はLoud Park 2日券を買っていて、本当は初日10月8日(土)にも朝から行ってSymphony X Tシャツをゲット!→ ロニー・ロメロの歌うLords of Blackを観る!→ Myrathを観る!→ 他にも可能な限り楽しむ!→ そしてレポンドさんから連絡が来たら会いに行く!という計画だったのですが、前の晩に眠れないという原始的ミス、朝のような時間に少しだけウトウトしたっぽいが、起きたかった時間に目覚ましで起きようとしても頭フラー、これは、このまま外出したら体調を悪くして元も子もなくす、と感じ、レポンドさんと会う前に睡眠を取ることを選択して、Loud Park初日は諦めてしまいました)
レポンドさんとお会いできそうなことになってから、日本を訪れたことの記念になるようなプレゼントをお渡ししたい!と思い、ツアー中になるべく荷物にならない物……と考えていたら、扇子がいいかなと思いました。そしてA Japanese fan from a Japanese fan「日本のファンから日本のファン(扇子)」というどうしようもない駄洒落も思いつき、Symphony Xメンバー5人分の扇子を用意しました。
(Symphony X "The Odyssey"(2002年)" の題材なのでどんな物語かご存知のかたも多いとは思いますが、もしご存知でない場合のため書かせて頂きます:ホメロス作 "The Odyssey"『オデュッセイア』 = 古代ギリシア・イタカ島の英雄オデュッセウスがトロイ戦争へ出征、戦争の10年目に「トロイの木馬」作戦で勝利を収めるも、帰路、海神ポセイドンの怒りを買うなど、ああんなことやこおんなことが起きてイタカ島へたどり着くまで10年かかり、トロイ戦争10年と合わせて20年後にやっと帰郷、妻子との再会を果たす話)
同封のプレゼントは a Japanese fan from a Japanese fanです!(駄洒落すみません)
あなたをクールな気分にします / 涼しいと感じさせます。[原文:It makes you feel cool.]
ひらき方:ゆっくりスライドしてください [図解] 」
扇子をお渡しするとき私が "a Japanese fan from a Japanese fan" と言っていたのですが、レポンドさんがはがきを読んでくださりながら、その箇所に来たとき「あー!今わかった(笑)」
「"It makes you feel cool"...なるほど!」マイク・レポンド氏により自分の冗談を朗読される。
(Symphony X "Underworld"(2015年)の題材なので、どんな物語かご存知のかたも多いとは思いますが、もしご存知でない場合のために書かせて頂きます:ダンテ・アリギエーリ作『神曲』原題 "La Divina Commedia" 英題 "The Divine Comedy" = ダンテが生きながらにして地獄→煉獄→天国と旅をする構成。ダンテの敬愛する『アエネーイス』などを著した古代ローマの詩人ウェルギリウスは、キリスト教のない時代に生きたので当然キリスト教徒ではない、という殺生な理由で天国へは行けず地獄エリアに居て(キリスト教のない時代や国で生きた人まで地獄行きになる教義にダンテは疑問を抱いていた模様)かといって地獄で苦しめられる人々の中には入っておらず、ダンテを案内)
場所がホテルだったので、万一、レポンドさん以外のSymphony Xメンバーにも会えたときのため、ロメオ様のソロアルバム "The Dark Chapter"(1994年) CDも持って行っていました。(ピネーラさんのソロアルバム2作 "Enter By The Twelfth Gate"(2004年)と "Ascension"(2014年)、Symphony X "Underworld"も)本当に「万一」としか思っていなかったのですが、その「万一」が発生……!
When I got the appointment to see Mike, I thought "Maybe it is going to be almost like an interview?!" But he was kindly going to see me personally as one of his friends, so I didn't feel like to record the conversation.
I thought that if I want to do an interview, I must offer to do it officially, get permission to record the conversation, and talk with a well prepared process.
Of course I prepared questions, topics that I wanted to talk with him, but I wanted to have a natural (regardless of whether myself was "natural" or not) conversation with him.
But once the talk was done, the information from him was definitely NOT to be kept just in my brain!! I asked him if it is OK to post on my weblog, and he kindly gave me a willing permission.
I started to write down everything I remember on my way home after the talk.This post is based on the memos.
As I organize this post, the flood of new questions poured out and I sent texts to him, and he kindly answered them. My gratitude to him is really endless!
I'm trying my best to write this in English, but English is not my mother language. I was born and have been living in Japan, have been studying English for long time. Mike talked to me very clearly and slowly so I was able to understand well what he told. But since I didn't record the conversation, the words may not be exactly the same as he said. And if you found any strangeness in the grammar, it's my fault.
Unlike an official interview, the topics are not in the actual order, not in very neat style, but with honor and gratitude, I'd love to bring the information from Mr. Mike LePond.
・Joining Symphony X
Me: Recently I read Mr Romeo's interview and I was surprised to know the way Symphony X was formed. Mr. Romeo sent his demo tapes to many music media, then he got a phone call from a Japanese record company (Zero Corporation) , he was asked if he had the band to play the music, and he answered Yes!, but actually he didn't. Then he started to gather the members and previously they were not friends with Mr. Romeo, except Mr. Miller."
Mike: Yes, that's true.
Me: How did you join the band?
Mike: One of my friends who knew Symphony X told me "Symphony X is looking for the bassist and I think you fit." I hadn't listened to Symphony X yet at that time, but I heard that they had CDs out and they do tours worldwide, and it was cool for me because I was a local musician (in New Jersey), so I decided to have the audition. I got a phone call from the band, and went to the audition.
They sent me the music, and I practiced and practiced everyday after I got home from work.
I asked myself "Which do you want? Don't learn these songs and go back to my work? or become a worldwide musician?" and I practiced.
Then I went to the audition. Russell was going to join later, and it was instrumental at first.
During the play, I kept looking at other members well, somehow I could play, and felt very good.
Romeo took me out for a walk, and I worried if he was going to tell me "You can go home now", but he asked me "Can you do tours?" or some positive and practical questions. So I thought "Am I going to pass the audition?" and waited. Some days later I got a phone call and they told me that we were going to do one more audition! I went like "Doh...!!"
The songs for the 2nd audition were from "Twilight in Olympus", Through the Looking Glass (Part 1, 2, 3)
Smoke and Mirrors
After that, finally I got a call and told I passed."
(Later via text↓)
Me: How many days did you have before each auditions?
Mike: About a week.
Me: [became like "The Scream" by Munk]
・Silent Assassins
In 2014, Mike released his solo album "Mike LePond's Silent Assassins" (the project name is the same) which has 9 songs, all music and lyrics were created by himself.
The name "Silent Assassins" are based on the soldiers hidden in the Torojan Horse, and also represents very well his talent as a composer.
(The band that Mike LePond joined in the '80s, and re-started in 2014.)
"Metal" Mike Chlasciak: Guitar solo for 6 tracks of the 9 tracks (except track #1 #3 #5). Metal Mike website
Also the guitarist for Halford! Also played for Testament, Sebastian Bach, etc.
He moved from Poland to New Jersey USA, where is the home ground of many great musicians, including Mike LePond (and Symphony X).
Previously Mr. Lepond played the bass for Mr. Chlasciak's solo album "The Metalworker" (2013)
(We can taste the cool guitar and bass at Mike Chlasciak's SOUNDCLOUD.
and then Mr. Chlasciak played for Mr. LePond in return.
Michael Romeo: Guitar solo for 6 tracks of the 9 tracks (except track #2 #5 #8), Keyboards, Programming of the drums, Recording engineer
Previously Mr. Romeo's multi-talent (playing guitar, bass, keyboards, programming the drums) was shown by his solo album "The Dark Chapter" (1994) . And in 2014, he made use of his multi-talent, this time for support his bandmate's solo album!
Personally I miss the real drums, but it's interesting when programmed by Michael Romeo!
Michael Pinnella: Backing vocals
This mystery when Mr. Romeo plays the keyboards and Mr. Pinnella does the backing vocals only! (but interesting.)
I have huge love for his 2nd solo album "Ascension" (2014) which has short lead vocals sang by him, I believe. (the CD has no credit of other than him, and comparing with his speaking voice, I believe it was sang by him.) Listening to Silent Assassins, I believe I can "hear" his voice, but it's close to "feel". I need more proficiency.
・The name
Me: How did you name the solo project "Silent Assassins"? It's so cool.
Mike: It's a good question!
Me: [laugh]
Mike: I love history and mythology. When I was a kid, I had this word "Silent Assassins" in my head and thought "It's cool for a band's name!" So, when I made the album, I told the management of Symphony X that I'd like to name the project "Silent Assassins", then they said "Put your name on it." I went like "Ugh..." [unwilling expression]. But for such reasons, it became "Mike LePond's Silent Assassins".
Me: The name "Silent Assassins" represents really well that you, a basist, create the music and lyrics and releases a solo album....But saying so, I think you are actually not so silent in Symphony X songs.
Mike: [laughs]
Me: For example, that bass line of "Charon"! I love it so much!
・Red Death
Me: I love "Red Death" [Track #2 of "Mike LePond's Silent Assassins"] so much where the bass sings the melody as the main instrument. That is really great!
Mike: Ah, that beginning.
"Red Death" [from the official YouTube for Mike LePond's Silent Assassins]
It's not exaggeration to say that I became a fan of Mike forever at the instant I listened to this beginning. It's just so so cool.
Me: It's natural that the guitar or the keyboards become the main instrument, but when the bass becomes the main instrument, it's really....
Mike: Different! [very joyful expression]
・Edgar Allan Poe
"Red Death" is based on a short story "The Masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allan Poe.
"Masque of the Red Death" from Michael Romeo's solo album "The Dark Chapter" (1994) is also based on the same story! It's interesting to listen to both of Romeo version and LePond version!
Michael LePond, Michael Romeo and Symphony X collectively have many tunes based on the stories by Edgar Allan Poe!
Previously I had been very interested in Poe but hadn't read yet. After I became a fan of Symphony X in 2014, I bought a series of Japanese translation of the complete tales by Poe and read all of them. Got an English book, too! Will read it also. It's more interesting to read the original stories and then listen to the tunes!
Mike: "The Masque of the Red Death" is my most favorite story by Poe.
Me: Me too! And I love not only Poe's dark stories but also beautiful ones. I can't remember the title now....("The Island of the Fay") but he has a story about an island in a river. It's very beautiful. I love his stories like that, too.
Mike: He really has various kinds of stories.
I was so happy for the fact that I could talk with Mike about Edgar Allan Poe....but many days later, I realised that I didn't talk about "King of Terrors" by Symphony X! Big miss! Who started the idea to make a song based on "The Pit and the Pendulum"? I think it was Mr. Romeo because it looks like he prepared almost all of the ideas for the album "The Odyssey" (2002) (also other albums lately). But possibly was it Mr. Lepond? Are Russell (I have goosebumps for his read aloud and the shout!), Mr. Pinnella and Jason also readers of Poe? I'm interested.
In spite of I missed to talk about it, I said this....
Me: Yes. It's like Edgar Allan Poe came to the present, got long hair and playing the bass.
Mike: [laughs]
How dare I said this to him directly....!? But I really think he looks like....and I love it.
・Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Mike's 2 favorite novelists are Howard Phillips Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe. I read so in a post on the Silent Assassins Facebook.
"The Outsider",Track #4 of "Mike LePond's Silent Assassins" is based on a short story "The Outsider" by Lovecraft.
"The Outsider" [Lyric video oficially introduced on the Silent Assassins website and Facebook]
In the same way about Poe, I hadn't read Lovecraft yet but had been interested, and because of Silent Assassins I finally got a complete series of Japanese translation of Lovecraft and started to read. Will get the original English version also.
After this meeting, I read "The Outsider" and found that the story has some sililarities between "The Masque of the Red Death" by Poe (Apparently Lovecraft loved the world of Poe and had some influences.) It's interesting that Mike chose the 2 stories to do the musical rendition in the same album.
I had read an interview of Mike, he was telling that the 2nd album of Silent Assassins includes 2 more tunes based on Lovecraft!
I asked Mike "What are the 2 works by Lovecraft?". His answer included a word that I hadn't heard before, so I asked "What does it mean?" He answered "It's a name that Lovecraft created." and told me the spell. After I got home I looked up the index pages of the Lovecraft books I have and found the title I think "Is this the one?!". But I don't write it here just in case it's not correct. Excuse me. The correct titles will be revealed once the album came out, so I didn't text Mike to ask. I'm looking forward to the release day!
"Avengers Of Eden"
Based on "The Doom That Came To Sarnath" by Lovecraft.
The word that I asked Mike "What does it mean?" and he kindly told me it was created by Lovecraft, and the spell was "Sarnath"!
*Addition: Jan 14th 2018:
1 more tune based on Lovecraft was released!
"Hordes Of Fire"
Based on "The Festival" by Lovecraft.
(Addition on Jan 14th 2018 ends here)
・Silent Assassins 2nd album "Pawn and Prophecy" will be out!
Previously in an interview on the internet, Mike revealed that he is working on the 2nd album of Silent Assassins, and the title is "Pawn and Prophecy" ! And the title track is over 20 minutes!
(I didn't come up with this question during the conversation, and asked him later via text↓)
Me: Is the 2nd album's title "Pawn and Prophecy" based on the novel "Pawn of Prophecy", the 1st volume of "The Belgariad" series by David Eddings?
(When I read the interview that Mike was talking about the title, I googled and this novel showed up, so I was thinking "Is it based on this novel?")
Mike: Pawn and Prophecy is Macbeth from Shakespeare
Me: Macbeth!! Cool!
I have read it years ago but now it seems like I forgot details....I will dig it again!
Temporarily took a break from reading Lovecraft, I read "Macbeth" again. Years ago I got some books by Shakespeare and had "Macbeth" already in my bookshelf so I could start immediately.
Macbeth hears a prophecy from 3 witches and starts to be "a pawn" of the prophecy....
The musical rendition of "Macbeth" by Mike LePond....over 20 minutes! I'm so pumped for this!
・Recording members for "Pawn and Prophecy"
Mike: The song over 20 minutes has some female vocals, and it's the only thing left to record. When it's done, the album is done. I think I can release it in 2017.
*Correction: Nov 14th 2017 It will be released on January 26th 2018! Mike released the info on his Facebook post.
*Addition: January 2017 Mike posted on his Facebook.
4 female vocals for the song based on "Macbeth" mean the 3 witches and Mrs. Macbeth, I guess!
Also 2 guitarists other than Michael Romeo were announced.
Lance Barnewold (Facebook) (I also wrote about him in the section "The live band Silent Assassins" below ↓)
Rod Rivera The guitarist for Rivera/Bomma (Mike is a member of the band. Rivera/Bomma Facebook)
Me: I'm really looking forward to it!
Mike: The lead vocal will be Alan Tecchio again.
Me: Yaaay!
Mike: Romeo will join again.
Me: Yaaay!
Mike: Pinnella will join again.
Me: Yaaay!
(Later via text↓)
Me: It's very interesting that Mr. Romeo played also the keyboards for the Silent Assassins 1st album. Was that because you offered him? Or he offered you?
Mike: He offered me because it was easier than calling someone else
Me: Wow! I'm so touched by his support for you, and his talent!
Also it's interesting that Mr. Pinnella played no keyboards but joined as a backing vocalist! Was that because you offered him?
Mike: Yes. Pinnella has a great voice
Me: Yes! I love his solo albums and the 2nd one "Ascension" has short vocals on 2 tracks, which I think he sang. Great voice!
Do Mr. Romeo and Mr. Pinnella do the same roles as the 1st album?
Mike: Yes but Pinnella will play some piano on the title track
Me: Yaaaaay!!!
The first album is interesting with Mr. Romeo on the keyboards and Mr. Pinnella on the backing vocals, but when it turns to the piano for the epic song based on "Macbeth", Mr. Pinnella takes the platform! I'm not sure if he chuckled and said " you want me?" but I'm thrilled to feel like the sleeping God awakes....
Mr. LePond said that Mr. Pinnella plays "some" piano for the song. How much the "some" is....? I've been wondering and pulsating. Anyways I will be happy even if it's short!
When I heard just Mike LePond made a tune over 20 minutes, I definitely want to listen to it, and in addition it's based on "Macbeth" and Mr. Pinnella plays the piano.....I'm really looking forward to listen to it....!!!
・The live band Silent Assassins
Me: I read in your interview that you organized the live band for Silent Assassins. Who are the members?
Mike: The vocalist is Alan [Tecchio].
Me: Wow!
Mike: Romeo and Pinnella will not join. I will do the shows with some young musicians from New Jersey.
*Addition: Oct 8th 2018 Mike LePond's Silent Assassins 1st live show happens in New Jersey on Dec 22 2018!!
(I will be there! Once I made it, I will post about it here on this weblog!)
Me: Yay! It looks cool! Can't wait to listen to it sounds cool in the album!
Could I ask the title of the soung you used the 8 string?
Mike: I am the Bull
Me: Wow! Myself is like a bull wanting to hear the song!
Mike: Haha
Me: Did you play the 8 string with fingers also? without a pick?
Mike: With fingers
・Beyond 4 string
(continued from the topic about the 8 string above, also via text↓)
Me: I always think you are a very cool 4 string player (I also think you are very cool with any numbers of strings!) but, Have you ever thought of changing to a 6 string bass player? like John Myung for example?
Mike: No, because Romeo hasn't gone to a 7 string
This gem of answer amused me so much, but I thought it's also a very practical answer. To play music as a band, he thinks the range of the guitar and the bass are a set. But from another point of view, since Mike played the 8 string for the new solo album, it also sounds like he is saying "If Romeo goes to add the string, I can go along anytime.", and it thrills me.
It's a matter of course that the guitar and the bass are very close and interactive, but I forgot that "matter of course" a bit. I was impressed newly by his way to think the guitar and the bass are a set.
・Finger picking
Me: Why did you choose finger picking?
Mike: When I was 13 years old, I became a fan of Gene Simmons of KISS (Facebook),and started to take bass lessons. And my teacher played with fingers. It just fitted me, I think. I just didn't change.
Gene Simmons plays mainly with a pick! (It looks like he sometimes plays with fingers for some songs or music videos, but still his main style is to play with a pick.) I have read an interview Mike tells that his father took him to a KISS live show, and he became a fan. A boy got blown away "Wow, cool!" by seeing Gene Simmons, and he knocked the gate of the bass world, and he was welcomed by a teacher who plays with's too interesting Mike! Such a destined entrance!
Me: How do you write music? Do you write on scores?
Mike: For Symphony X, Romeo prepares most of the music.
For my solo, I don't write on scores. I play with the bass or the guitar and remember it.
Me: How do you let the recording members learn the music?
Mike: I make demoes.
・Writing lyrics for "Underworld" (the album)
Me: I think it was very natural that you joined to write lyrics for 5 songs [of 9 songs] of "Underworld", after the other members of Symphony X listened to "Silent Assassins".
Mike: Russell was busy, so mainly the "3 Mikes" cooperated.
[makes "3" with his fingers saying "3 Mikes", and slightly laughs shyly.]
・Tool for writing lyrics
Me: How do you write lyrics? Do you write on paper? or use digital devices?
Mike: I write on paper sometimes, or use the software called MasterWriter. (MasterWriter website)It helps me to find words, and I don't have to look up dictionaries.
・First visit to Japan!
I asked about the cancellation of Symphony X for Loud Park back in 2004. Mike told with very apologetic and sad expressions. The booking was actually done. (I even doubted it. My apology to Loud Park 14.) Also the reason of the cancellation was the same as Loud Park 14 announced, due to the schedule of the recordings for the album "Underworld".
Even if they came to Loud Park in 2014, it was 16 years after the band's first visit to Japan in 1998... And this time in 2016, the band finally returned to Japan after 18 years. And for Mike, he didn't come to Japan at all for almost the same years, since he joined Symphony X in 1999 (from the album "V: The New Mythology Suite" released in 2000). I really celebrate his first visit to Japan!!!
Me: Symphony X arrived to Japan today (Sat Oct 8 2016, the 1st day of Loud Park 16) and you will do the show tomorrow (2nd day of Loud Park 16). I'm wondering how do you do the rehearsal?
Mike: We don't do the rehearsal.
Me: don't!?
Mike: We have our crew and they set everything for us.
Me: just go on the stage and play!?
Mike: Yes. [laughs]
Me: Is it the same for every festivals?
Mike: Yes.
I think the situation was the same for all artists played the 2nd day (the 1st day too?) of Loud Park,'s incredible that they did THAT show, THAT setlist without rehearsal! (I experienced it in the audience!) Right before Loud Park, they played 6 shows in USA and Canada, so maybe they were riding the flow....but wait, wait, wait, it's still too incredible!!!
・Mr. Itaru Kanno from Caparison Guitars
Me: Are you going to see people from Caparison?
Mike: Yes. Itaru Kanno will come to see us tomorrow at Loud Park.
Mike said there was a technical crew for Symphony X, so I thought Mr. Kanno was going to see Mike as a friend. Some months ago on Facebook, I saw a photo of Mr. Kanno, Mr. Romeo and Mr. LePond, took at somewhere in USA. I'd really love to listen to / read the 3 geniuses talk about the guitar and the bass!
Me: Which artist do you like to see at Loud Park this time?
Mike: Whitesnake!
(a couple of days later via text, I asked Mike "Did you enjoy the Whitesnake's show at Loud Park from the stage side or somewhere?". He replied "They were good, yes".
I enjoyed too in the audience!)
Mike: Did you see any live show recently?
(It was not an interview but "natural" conversations, so sometimes Mike asked me questions!)
Me: I saw Queen + Adam Lambert at Budokan! (on September 21st 2016. They played Budokan for 3 nights in a low, 21st-23rd September 2016.)
I said so happily and proudly, but it looked like didn't tug at Mike's heartstrings so much.
Me: ....I saw The Winery Dogs in April! (on April 20th 2016. Mr. Mike Portnoy's birthday!)
(The Winery Dogs website)
Mike: Ah, The Winery Dogs! I love them too.
Me: Really!? Yaaay!
By the way, when I listened to "Run with the Devil" from the Symphony X's album "Underworld" for the first time, it reminded me of The Winery Dogs. And I found it interesting that the song has the lyrics like running from the Cerberus, the 3-headed watchdog of the Hell.
(During this conversation, my brain wasn't working normally because I didn't come up with the question if Mike has seen The Winery Dogs live. I sent texts to Mike later↓)
Me: Have you ever seen The Winery Dogs live show?
Mike: Yes I saw them.
I was interested in when was it, the tour with their 1st album? or 2nd album? But at this point, I remembered that Symphony X and The Winery Dogs (and Queen + Adam Lambert) played the same festival Sweden Rock in June 2016! I was so happy when I saw the news on the internet. Why didn't I remember it immediately!? I was happy to see a photo of Russell with The Winery Dogs. (Russell's post on Facebook)
I was starting to blame myself for sending so many questions to Mike after I met him. So I didn't ask further, but I think Mike had a chance to see The Winery Dogs show at Sweden Rock at least. Have Mike talked with Billy Sheehan? I'd like to ask Mike someday if possible.
But, it was so great that I could talk with Mike about Mr. Billy Sheehan!
Mike: [gesturing Billy Sheehan's intense play on the bass] He is really great!
Me: When I saw PSMS in 2012....(it looked like Mike didn't know PSMS, so I explained) Mike Portnoy, Billy Sheehan, Tony MacAlpine, Derek Sherinian (Mike: Great!) formed a band and called themselves PSMS, and they came to Japan in 2012. I saw Billy Sheehan (and all of the members) for the first time and I was really surprised. "Is that the bass!?"
Mike: Sometimes he sounds like keyboards! [laughs]
Me: He is a pioneer of the bass really.
Mike: His another band is really BIG in Japan, right?
I thought he tried a cute pun and my heart was killed, but possibly he said so just naturally, no pun included.
Me: I think you are a pioneer too. There are not so many people who are bassists and write music and lyrics and release solo albums. I really think you are a pioneer.
Me: I'm a fan of Dream Theater too. Symphony X once toured with them [in 2007]. Did you talk with Mr. John Myung?
Mike: Yes. He is a very quiet guy.
Mr. Myung is famous among fans for his quiet aura, but I was impressed newly to hear from Mike who met him actually, that the first word came out about his personality was quietness. But when I was thinking so....
Mike: He is quiet, so it's hard to hear what he is saying. [Leaning his body for the gesture trying to catch the voice.]
"Quiet" was not about when he isn't speaking, but about when he IS speaking! Not about impression but about more physical aspect....!
Mike: But he is a very nice guy.
Me: What did you talk with him? Did you have chances to talk about gears?
Mike: Once when his gears were ready on the stage, he showed me the gears and we talked. I played his bass. It sounded good!
Me: Did Mr. Myung touched your gears?
Mike: No, we didn't have a chance to talk when my gears were ready.
I'd really love to listen to Mr. LePond and Mr. Myung talk....! Someday on some bass magazine, please!
By the way, from here are some topics other than music.
Me: I read the FAQ of Symphony X official website, that you worked as an accountant for 10 years before you joined Symphony X.
Mike: I learned accounting at school. But I didn't get the job as an accountant only. I did billings, or other stuff like that, too.
Like "Did you see any live show recently?" above, sometimes Mike asked me questions, and he asked about my job! "What do you do?" I explained, and he said "Cool!". It will keep me to burn my fuel!!!
My job is an office work that needs some understanding English and translating into Japanese. "But not only translation, there are many other stuff...." as I was saying so, maybe it overlapped his experience that he learned accounting but his job was not only accounting, he sympathizingly nodded and said "Yes, yes..." . It will also keep me to do my best!!!
I was sitting on the right side of Mike, so when he moved his right arm and the short sleeve of his T-shirt went up slightly, I could see the tattoo on his right upper arm in close distance. (I missed to ask him to take a photo of the tattoo!)
Me: The cool tatoo is showing up!
Mike: It's a shield. [lets me see it well.] I got the surrounding parts in December (2015).
When I was seeing photos from Symphony X shows on the internet in December 2015, I was surprised "Mmm!? Mike's tattoo has expanded!?"
Me: Isn't it going to expand more?
Mike: Hmm? What did you say?
Me: [trying to pronounce louder and clearer] ISN'T IT GOING TO EXPAND MORE?
Mike: Haha! No, no! Too much! The idea is to hide under the short sleeve.
Me: Other members of Symphony X don't have tattoo, do they?
Mike: No, they don't.
・My endless gratitude to Mike
I was dying to catch up with the fact that I'm sitting at the same table in a restaurant with Mr. Mike LePond, AND using that brain, I needed to speak English along with the spontaneous conversation, AND have a meal. That was such an acrobatic hard situation for me.
But it was Mike himself who soften the "hard"ness. He listened to me very patiently while I struggle to express what I want to say. I was so touched by his warmness and really appreciated from the bottom of my heart.
Watching his interview videos on the internet, I had an impression that he speaks comparatively slowly and clearly by nature, but I felt that he was consciously speaking to me more clearly. It also deeply touched my heart.
Because of his warmness, I was able to try to speak actively. But listening to myself speaking English, I was screaming in my head like "I'm restating too much!" "I'm looking for words too many times!". But during the conversation, Mike said "Your English is very good." I can't express enough how much I thanked.
Mike finished to eat much earlier than me. I still had much to eat, and to finish it, of course I had to use my mouth to eat. So when I was eating, the conversation stopped and Mike had to be just waiting. When I mentioned about my worry, he said "Oh, never mind. Take your time! I eat too fast!" and mimicked to eat so wild and made me laugh. I was so moved by his warmness....!
・Jet lag attacks
Mike basically wears very soft and calm aura, but at one point during the conversation, it looked like something more than his nature was affecting him.
Me: Oh, Are you getting sleepy?
Mike: But! I want to sit up for a couple of more hours! I want to sleep when the real night has come, so that I can adjust my body to the local time.
Me: [looked at my watch and found that it was a little passed 7PM. We met at the hotel lobby around 6PM, so I was surprised to learn that we already talked for more than 1 hour.] Thank you so much for seeing me after the long travel.
Mike: No, no. If I didn't see you, maybe I stayed in my room alone, fell asleep and I couldn't adjust my body to the local time.
What a kind response....! But if I was actually doing an assistance for him to conquer the jet lag, I'm so honored!
Mike ordered a cup of coffee.
Mike: [sips the coffee] Ahh, it will help me to sit up for a little more hours.
Me: Erm....When should I leave?
Mike: Ah, time we leave here? Maybe after I finished this coffee? Is it OK?
He answered me not "the time you leave to go home" but "the time we leave this restaurant." This kind care warmed my heart also. And it also touched me that he had the coffee slowly and eventually we spent more than 30 minutes since then before we left the table.
It is not over yet!
・If you started from the whole version, already read to "BEFORE the talk" then popped a new window to read this "TALK", please return to the previous window, and check out "AFTER the talk" also!
The whole is long, so if you are in hurry, please start from the "TALK" (Mainly the info from Mike: including the songs for the Symphony X audition, The solo project, etc.)!
And if you have time, it will be great if you read the whole!
When Symphony X came to Japan in October 2016, I had an honor to meet Mr. Michael LePond!
First of all, I send gratitude from the bottom of my heart to Mike for this great experience. Also I send my big thanks to Ms. Donna Labate, the publicist for Mike's solo project, for her help to make this meeting happen.
And I send my endless applause and gratitude to the Symphony X show at Loud Park 16 Sun October 9th 2016 in Japan!!!!!
Mike interacts really well with fans basically via his Facebook. I had been getting Mike's kind reactions or replies on Facebook for more than 1 year, since March 2015. Seeing the many photos posted to Mike's Facebook from people, I was surprised to know that Mike sometimes meets fans whom he interacted with via Facebook. But I never thought I could be one of them!
Back in November 2015, I bought the CD of Mike's solo album "Mike LePond's Silent Assassins" (2014) and became a fan of it! I started to post comments or do reactions to Mike LePond's Silent Assassins Facebook.
Then Ms. Donna Labate, the publicist for Mike LePond's Silent Assassins since 2015,and the runner for the Facebook, kindly started to do friendly contacts with me.
April 2016, Symphony X announced to play Loud Park 16 (Sat Oct 8th & Sun Oct 9th 2016) in Japan! (Post on Symphony X website)
Around that time, Donna was trying her best to get Mike appointments of interviews by Japanese professional music media during he is in Japan in October 2016. She had already made some approaches, then also contacted me thinking possibly I work for the music industry in Japan. But I don't. So at least I sent her some contact info of some Japanese music media I could come up with.
(Eventually interviews didn't happen for this time. Too bad....! Donna told me that it was very difficult to get interviewed because the first album was released in 2014, so it's "old" to be picked up, and Mike is working on the next album but it will take some more time to release.)
After the communicaiton, Donna kindly said that I'm a friend of her. She wrote me her passion to support Mike, also how great and charming he is. I was happy and excited to read it and talk about Mike with her. Then she suddenly, and kindly, asked Mike if he would have time to meet me during his stay in Japan in October 2016.
The communication between Donna and me started because we were wishing Mike to be interviewed in Japan, and I knew that Symphony X's stay in Japan this time would be short, so I never was thinking of "meeting" Mike. When the topic popped up, I already felt dizzy.
But Donna told Mike about the communication between me, and asked him if he would have time to meet me in Japan. Of course it couldn't be guaranteed yet but anyways he was positive to meet me, Donna told me so.
I was so honored and touched just to know that. I sent a message to Mike and said thank you for being positive to meet me. I also wrote that I thought the meeting would be difficult during the short stay with the unpredictable schedule. I also wished him to be interviewed a lot in Japan.
Then, for my surprise, Mike beautifully let most of the things I said just go past, and gave me a simple and friendly reply to progress the plan to meet. The details were to be confirmed.
Since then my mentality started to shake with these 2 monster excitements: "I'm going to see Symphony X live show for the first time!" and even "Possibly I will meet Mr. Mike LePond!?". I really thought that the shaking can cause death. It lasted for 5 months (and ever after).
May 2016, I started the weekly countdown like " 20 weeks to go to see Symphony X at Loud Park!" on my Facebook and Twitter. A couple of my Symphony X fan mates put reactions (Thank you!) , and also Mike put "Like!"s or "Love"s ♡ for many times, and even comments like "Yay!" sometimes. That also became one of the happy memories.
And finally, Sat October 8th 2016, around 12:40PM (info from Mike) by an airplain, Symphony X landed Japan!!!!!
In the evening of the day, I had an honor to meet Mike.
【BEFORE the talk】
I got an appointment to meet Mike at the lobby of the hotel he was staying.
I just thought I must have strayed into the another world. I was overwhelmed by the dreamy atmosphere of the hotel itself, AND I was going to meet Mr. Mike LePond there. I just couldn't deal with the too huge unbelievableness. My heart couldn't stop accelerating, my eyes looked around all direction restlessly. I was a total misfit there. But anyways I walked to meet Mike.
(Please let me mention at first. If both or one of us were married, this meeting itself could be considered as improper, but both are single. Also he never invited me into his room, nor I never broke into his room.)
I wandered and came to a place looked nice to sit down and spend some time. "Is this the place?!?!" My heart leaped. (It wasn't the place.)
I wandered further and....found Mike!!!
I will never forget the first sight of him. There were still 5.5 or 6.5 yards (5 or 6 meters) between him and me. He was sitting alone facing forward. I was walking towards him from his right side, so I saw his right plofile. That profile of him wore very cool and mysterious aura like a sorcerer. Also I was in shock to see Mike finally in front of my eyes. My legs stopped.
Then Mike looked towards the side I was standing, recognized me, stood up and smiled! Instantly the cool and mysterious aura vanished like mist and it was replaced by the gentle, soft and warm aura.
At first I could make only tiny and slow steps forward, but 2 seconds later, joy overflowed and I rushed towards him! Mike spreaded his arms and we hugged each other! He even gave me a light kiss on the cheak! (later I realised that it is basic to kiss back as the Western way of greeting.)
After the hug, he took my both hands with his both hands, looked into my eyes and said
"How are you? I'm glad to see you. Thank you for coming."
In the messages from Donna she alerted me about Mike's sweetness and warmness, in summary He will kill you. Totally experienced!!!
About 1 year ago from this day, in October 2015, the interviewer lady Echo from The Metal Authority (Facebook) went to the Symphony X show in Florida. She wrote impressions of meeting all members of Symphony X on her Twitter, and Mr. LePond's sweetness was one of the impressive things when I read them. Now I experienced it, too!!!
"Now, Am I going to sit down here with Mike and talk....!?" I was pulsating. But Mike kept standing up, and said "Well, How about to eat something and talk to know each other? I think this hotel has some restaurants. Is it OK for you?"
I wished it wasn't my last day. I only could feel like I was getting the special luck just before I die.
We started to walk the passage. While I was just struggling to catch up with the fact that I'm walking with Mike, he friendly started to talk.
Mike "Did you go to Loud Park today?"
Me "No. I failed to sleep last night, and gave up to go to Loud Park today. I wanted to see Myrath!"
(I purchased the ticket for both days of Loud Park. For the first day Sat October 8th, I had a plan to go there early and get the Symphony X T-shirt! → See Ronnie Romero with Lords of Black! → See Myrath! → Also enjoy other acts as many as possible! → Then go to meet Mike when I got contact! ....but I did the primitive failure to miss to sleep in the previous night. I felt like I had a short drowse when it was already morning. Alert rang and I tried to wake up but felt dizzy. I thought that if I went out without sleep, I would be sick and ruin everything. So I decided to have enough sleep before meeting Mike, and I gave up the first day of Loud Park.)
Mike "Myrath played today?"
Me "Yes. I knew them because they toured Europe with Symphony X recently, and I was interested in seeing their show, but I missed."
Mike "Ah, that's too bad! They are a great band! and nice guys."
It was indeed a big miss....(I have only myself to blame.)
By the way, Mike wore a DIO's "Holy Diver" T-shirt. I was interested in the album to the point I could name the album when I saw the T-shirt, but I haven't listened to it yet. I wished I hurried and listened!! I had listened to Ronnie with Rainbow and Black Sabbath, and I love him. I remember that last year I was moved to see a photo on Mike's Facebook, of Mike and Ronnie together maybe in backstage of a festival in 2000s.
Along with the T-shirt, Mike wore a pair of blue jeans and a pair of black sneaker. And a slight touch of good scent. I don't know well about perfume so I can't guess which item from which brand it was, but the impression was refreshing, sweet, but a little bit spicy also.
There was a nice restaurant and we entered. We were guided to seats facing a window, with a beautiful view in front of our eyes, we sat down not facing each other but side to side (Mike was on the left and I was on the right). I just thought it really can be only a dream.
But Mike who came to Japan for the first time, was cutely enjoying the very realistic culture gap: "Ah, it's all yen." seeing the printed prices on the menu.
(Here I write beforehand that he treated me to this meal. I really can't thank him enough.)
When we enter the restaurant, Mike said to me "Please help me with Japanese language." and I was honored, but it was a hotel ready for international visitors so the menu had English language also, and the workers spoke English much more beautifully than me.
I was impressed by Mike says "Thank you" politely to the servers every time they brought the dishes or poured water into our glasses.
During the waiting time after we made orders, I pulled my copy of "Mike LePond's Silent Assassins" CD out of my bag.
Mike looked happy to see it, and he immediately said "This is the European version ."
(European version: from UDR. Title on the bottom. Round relief sculpture beyond the Torojan Horse)
Me "I bought this from amazon Japan. I couldn't choose the version." (at that time there was only 1 option to choose for the new one)
Mike "There is the American version also. But this one (European version) is beautiful, too."
(American version: from Knife Fight Media. Title on the top with decorated font. No round relief sculpture beyond the Torojan Horse)
Me "Yes, it's very beautiful!"
I really love the artwork of this European version digipack from the outside to the inside. (I don't have the American version so I'm not sure of the difference, though.)
Me "Could I get your autograph, please?"
Mike "Sure!"
As I pulled out my pen, he laughed a bit and said "Oh, are so prepared!"
The Silent Assassins CD cover is basically dark brown, so an ordinary black pen doesn't fit for autograph, so I had bought a silver pen some days earlier.
I handed that pen to Mike, and waited beside with my heart pulsating. Then Mike said....
"Before I sign, please let me make sure of your name. Yukari....Y-u-k-a-r-i....Is it right?"
Me "Right!!!"
I was really moved by the fact that he remembers my name, and even the spell....I didn't ask at all but he added my name and even "Thank You"! I appreciate it so much!!!!!
"Spell" has the meaning of "magic" also, and I think the fact that Mike pronounced the spell of my name, wrote it down together with his name, really has some wonderful magical effect for me!
Since right after I got home this day, this CD has been displayed and cherished at my home.
Maybe it was before the autograph, I handed Mike a gift.
Since I got the possibility to meet Mike, I wanted to hand him a gift which can be a souvenir of his visit to Japan. As I was thinking of something doesn't bulk during the travells, I thought the Japanese fan would fit. And I came up with this hopeless pun: A Japanese fan from a Japanese fan....then I prepared for all of the 5 members of Symphony X.
I should have chosen them by seeing directly to know the quality and everything, but the key point was the design so I wanted to choose from as many possibilities as possible, so I did internet shopping, excuse me....but of course I made sure of they had no defects after delivered.
My gratitude for people who made these fantastic fans!
To Mr. Michael LePond
"Horse" Because of the Torojan Horse of Silent Assassins. Looks "metal" (silver).
To Mr. Jason Rullo
"Fuu-jin (風神 Wind God) & Rai-jin (雷神 Thunder God)" The Thunder God (left) is a drummer.
To Mr. Michael Pinnella
"Music score & Black cats" Because of his post on Facebook (I couldn't help choosing this)
Also I wrote messages on postcards made of Japanese paper. For the 4 members who came to Japan in 1998, I wrote like this at first:
"WELCOME BACK TO JAPAN This is the Odyssey in the 20th/21st century!"
(All who enjoys "The Odyssey" (2002) by Symphony X may know, but please let me write here just in case: "The Odyssey" by Homer = the story of the hero Odysseus from Ithaca island of Ancient Greece. He goes to the Torojan War, wins by the "Torojan Horse" tactics in the 10th year of the war, but on the way home various troubles happen, including getting the Sea God Poseidon's anger, it takes 10 years of the war + 10 years to go home = 20 years, then finally he achieves the return to his homeland, and reunion with his wife and son.)
So I chose this picture: "The 36 views of Mr. Fuji: The great wave off Kanagawa" (Symphony X played Kanagawa during their first visit to Japan in 1998) by Hokusai Katsushika
For Mr. LePond who achieved the first visit to Japan this time, I chose another picture:
"The 36 views of Mr. Fuji: Clear day with southern breeze" by Hokusai Katsushika
I also got a handcarchief for Donna. And I wrote my gratitude for her help for this meeting with Mike, on a postcard with a photo of real Mt. Fuji and autumn leaves. I asked Mike to do me a favor to bring it back to USA and hand it to Donna at their next meeting.
All set like this for each person:
I brought all these bags in 1 bigger carrier bag, and asked Mike to do me a favor to hand these bags to each members. He kindly consented, so I handed it to him. Again I thank him so much!
I pulled out the bag for Mike and handed it to him first. He took the fan out of the bag. The fan was shaped like a stick because it was closed, and he looked like not sure of how to open it.
I had drawn illustrations on the postcards to explain how to open it. I hope it made sense and everybody opened the fan!
I opened (just slided) it for Mike, and he said "Beautiful!" I explained him that I chose it because of the Torojan Horse of Silent Assassins, and the color of the horse looks "metal". He said "Ah!" and I think he looked delighted.
Many days later I wished that I asked Mike for a photo of him holding the fan!!
Mike read my message on the postcard in front of my eyes. I wrote like this:
"WELCOME TO JAPAN (big letters written with a Japanese pen which has touch like a writing brush)
THANK YOU so much for having incredibly friendly communicaitons with me on Facebook, and now OFF Facebook, too!
And THANK YOU so much for your music with Silent Assassins and Symphony X! You really thrill me!
What a bliss to listen to you live!
Enclosed gift is a Japanese fan from a Japanese fan! (Sorry for the pun.) It makes you feel cool.
How to open: Please slide slowly [Illustrations] "
When I handed the fan to Mike I said "a Japanese fan from a Japanese fan"....After that, when Mike was reading the postcard and reached the part, he said "Ah! I got it now. [laughs]"
" 'It makes you feel cool'....I see!" I got my joke read aloud by Mr. Mike LePond....
THE MAIN PART!!! ← Please enter here (a new window pops up) (I couldn't cram it into the capacity for 1 post on this weblog)
Please come back here to check out "After the talk" also! ↓
【AFTER the talk】
After the incredible time of talk, finally the time to leave the seats came.
Before leaving the seats, I asked Mike for a selfie. When I became a fan of him, I never thought that the day I take a selfie with him will come!
Me "I'm not used to selfie. I'm not sure of where I look at!"
Mike "Me too! I always look around here! [moves his index finger around the camera roughly]"
He enjoyed even a little fuss like this together with me very warmly and friendly. I really appreciate it! I have got the gem of selfie!
After we got out of the restaurant, to more open place, I was thinking of asking someone to do me a favor to take a photo of Mike and me together, from a little bit of distance, covering the full-length. I told Mike about it, and he suggested "So, let's go to around the front desk. There are great workers so maybe we can ask there." I thanked him from the bottom of my heart. It was me who wanted to take photos, so I should have come up with the idea by myself and then tell him.
Walking in the beautiful hotel together with Mike again, I felt again and again, this can be only a dream.
In the sense that I strayed into the place where I don't belong, meeting my hero, and getting cared by the hero, I thought it was just like "The Divine Comedy" by Dante! Not the "Inferno" but the "Heaven", though! Mike is the Heaven version of Master Virgil.
I was there to meet Mike himself, not to visit the place, so I wasn't comparing Mike to Virgil as 'the guide' (before that I never wasn't comparing me to Dante), but for Dante in "The Divine Comedy", it is very important experience to meet Virgil and travel with him, so I thought it is similar from that point of view.
On the way to the front desk, we came to the place which looks nice to sit down and spend some time, where I thought "Is this the place to meet Mike?!" when I was wandering alone at first. Now I saw the place again, and recalled "Ah, it's the place my heart got killed for nothing...." but this time, there was a quite SOMETHING.....
Michael Romeo!!!!!
Talking on his mobile phone, sitting on a sofa.
I became really like Dante who got surprised on the journey and wants Master Virgil's care, I gasped and uttered a small shout "Mr. Romeo!" Then Mike said "Ah, Romeo is there." and started to walk towards him!!! While I was just standing still, Mike looked back at me and kindly encouraged "Come on. It's OK." I sped after him!!!
Before I arrive, Mr. Romeo finished to talk on the phone, and greeted like "Ah, LePond!", then I was thrilled to hear closely Mr. Romeo & Mr. LePond do an ordinary conversation.
R "Did you have some sleep?"
L "Not yet. Just had some food. I'll stay awake for a couple of more hours, then sleep."
R "Me too. Now I'm going to see the guys." (maybe the tour staffs?)
Mike (Mr. LePond) introduced me to Mr. Romeo. Mr. Romeo said "Nice to see you." stood up and reached out his right hand to shake with me before I do so! I returned "Nice to see you.", said my name, and shook his hand with my both hands.
Then I realised, I can hand him the gift by myself!
I looked around to Mr. LePond, because I had handed him the carrying bag which contained all the little bags of gifts for each members. I was about to ask him to let me take the gift for Mr. Romeo out of the carrying bag, but he had already put the carrying bag on a table which was just next to me on my right side! Did he put it down there because he just thought we would stay there for a while? Or Did he foresee I would give the gift to Mr. Romeo by myself? When I looked around to Mr. LePond and my eyes met his, he was nodding and indicating the carrying bag with his eyes.
"I brought you a gift...." I said to Mr. Romeo and pulled out the little bag for him. Mr. Romeo was sitting on the sofa again, but stood up and received it. He took the postcard out of the bag, and read it in front of my eyes. I wrote like this:
"WELCOME BACK TO JAPAN (big letters written with a Japanese pen which has touch like a writing brush)
It's the Odyssey in the 20th/21st century! Yesssss!!!!!
Thank you so much for your music with Symphony X and the solo album! It really makes me live!
What a bliss to listen to you live!
Recently I found your interview back in 2012, on a Bulgarian website Rock Live BG.
You were telling that Symphony X were really looking forward to go back to Japan, in an interview NOT for Japan. It was so touching. Thank you!
Enclosed gift is a Japanese fan from a Japanese fan! (Sorry for the pun.) It makes you feel cool.
How to open: Please slide slowly [Illustrations] "
Soon after he started to read the postcard, he laughed slightly. I guessed he was reading "It's the Odyssey in the 20th/21st century"!
After reading it, Mr. Romeo lifted his eyes from it, looked at me straight and said "Thank you."
I also looked at him straight and said "Welcome back to Japan." That was such an immense happiness.
Mr. Romeo said "It's a long time." chuckling slightly, sounded like he compressed big feelings into it.
Just some weeks before this day, in September 2016, I found Mr. Romeo's interview done in 2012 on a Bulgarian website, of course NOT for Japan but he was saying Symphony X were really looking forward to go back to Japan. I was so touched and couldn't help myself to translate it into Japanese and post on this weblog. So, it was also really great happiness that I could see my emotion and gratitude for the interview were received by Mr. Romeo just in front of my eyes.
Later I realised that I didn't guide Mr. Romeo to open the fan (gift) and take a look. I wish he opened and saw it without promblem!
Because the place was the hotel, I also brought my copy of Mr. Romeo's solo album "The Dark Chapter" (1994) CD (also Mr. Pinnella's 2 solo albums "Enter By The Twelfth Gate" (2004) & "Ascension" (2014), and Symphony X "Underworld"). I was really only thinking "just in case", but that "just in case" happened....!
When I pulled out "The Dark Chapter" CD out of my bag, Mr. Romeo laughed slightly.
Me "Could I have your autograph, please?"
Mr. Romeo "Sure!"
My treasure....!
When I bought this CD, I never expected this to be autographed! (I bought this from a secondhand shop via internet in 2015. Not the original version in 1994, but the reissue in 2000.)
Mr. Romeo was scheduled to meet someones, as he said to Mr LePond previously, so he almost started to leave the place saying "Thank you for the gift." to me.
But at the moment I was about to ask him for a photo, holding my mobile phone in my hand. He saw it and noticed "Ah, a photo."
I was thinking "Can I find someone and ask to take a photo of us 3 (Mr. Romeo, Mr. LePond and me)?!", but while I was thinking so, Mr. LePond offered "I'll take it." and picked up my phone to take a photo of Mr. Romeo and me!
I got a treasure photo of Mr. Romeo and myself, taken by Mr. LePond! Mr. Romeo is standing on my right side, holding my left shoulder tight with his left arm!
This is also incredible that Mr. LePond held and used my phone! The shooting was great! Taken from not too far, not too near, and the picture is very clear!
After taking the photo, Mr. Romeo said "Thank you again." to me, gave me a hug and even a light kiss on my cheak! (Again I missed kissing back!) Then he left to another place.
As I saw Mr. Romeo off, I noticed that he wore a black Overkill workshirt (the back print said so). I knew that Overkill and Symphony X are mates from the same home ground New Jersey, and they toured North America and Canada together in September-October 2015.
He also wore a pair of black long pants and a pair of black sneaker.
Mr. Romeo had a bass and strong voice, talked in a decisive but warm way. I was impressed by his dignity as a leader.
Right after seeing Mr. Romeo off, Mr. LePond kindly enjoyed the afterglow together with me, saying "Oh my God!" or "Crazy!". He was not on the Symphony X side with Mr. Romeo, but on the FAN side with me. Mr. LePond himself is one of my heroes and I was there to meet him this day! How warm and caring he is! My gratitude is really endless!
Mike and me restarted to walk towards the front desk.
Mike "I wonder all the bands play Loud Park are staying at different hotels."
Me "? Why?"
Mike "I'm looking for the other bands in this hotel but I don't see anyone. If I see David Coverdale, I'll be like you [makes panicking face and squeaking voice] 'Oh my Gooood!' [laughs]"
I never thought of getting done an impression by Mr. Mike LePond. (But all things happened this day were the things I never thought of happening.) It was great for me that Mike, who is really a gentleman, felt like tease me.
By the way, I really wish Mike will meet Mr. Coverdale someday, somewhere....!
We arrived around the front desk and asked a hotel staff to take a photo of Mike and me with my mobile phone. Thanks so much to the hotel staff for the great photo and wonderful hospitality!
I got an another treasure photo of the full length of Mike and me, Mike standing on my left side, holding my right shoulder around the neck by his right hand, leaning on me, our head touching each other.
Right after shooting it, the hotel staff said "Once again." (I thought I closed my eyes, but it was OK as I checked later.) The staff nodded and smiled like waiting for someone passes by our back, then the staff was about to take the photo that instant, someone leaned to Mr. LePond and me from the back, holding our shoulders. I was stunned and looked back, and found Mr. Romeo!!!
Then the photo was taken. Such a huge treasure photo was added: Myself smiling (more like laughing), Mr. LePond sliming like "Oh, this rascal...." and between the 2 smiles, Mr. Romeo showing an impish grin, muscling in from the back.
"I was still around here!" said Mr. Romeo, already showing his back to Mr. LePond and me, starting to walk away, raising his right arm like saying "Bye!", and he left (again).
I repeated "Oh my God!" (only English language my brain could emit), thanked the hotel staff and received my phone back, checked the photo and got killed by laughter. Mr. LePond kindly enjoyed the afterglow together with me again. What a gem of happening really....
Like people who post the photos of meeting Mr. LePond on Facebook, I really want to show the photos proudly to the world and say "I had an honor to meet Mr. LePond! and Mr. Romeo!", but I stopped and considered because the photos include the information of the hotel. When Symphony X's next visit to Japan gets confirmed (Mr. LePond told me that there were nothing confirmed as of October 2016, but I really wish it will happen in near future!), maybe they will stay at another hotel, but also maybe they will stay at the same hotel. So I hesitated about providing the information about the hotel. And I decided not to post the photos.
Right after taking the treasure photo, finally the time to leave came. During talking at the restaurant, Mike asked me how I came to the hotel and how I go home, and I told that I came to the hotel by train and by walk, and go home by the same way. And when I was really about to leave, Mike kindly told me that he walks with me to the station! The night was still young around 8PM, I'm used to walk alone at night on the way home from work (of course it's not 100% safe in Japan too, but very ordinary) so I wasn't worrying at all. But I guess Mike who is from USA has much more of wariness than me, about a woman walking alone at night.
But all I had to do was just to go back the same simple and safe way I came. On the other hand Mike was taken to the hotel from the airport by car (maybe) and stayed inside the hotel. So the situation was, I knew my way well but Mike had to find it. Maybe it would be great if I asked him to walk with me to the station, but I just didn't feel like to add him a task to walk in the air of autumn night, when he was going to do the very very importaint show next day and also going to visit Australia for the first time to do the shows continuously. So I assured him that I can go alone safely. Mike kindly asked me and made sure "You can find the station? You know which train to take?" For safety, I could only believe and take care, but for knowledge of my way home, I could affirm so I nodded and made him relieved.
He gave me a hug again, and after we unfastened the hug, he took my both hands with his both hands, looked into my eyes and said "Thank you for coming and having fun time with me."
I felt like I was really ascending to the Heaven.
I told him my gratitude too (I never can tell enough!!!) , and I left my Master LePond-Virgil in the Heaven.
At the instant I stepped outside of the hotel, I thought "It's possible that I die today on the way home!" because I had such tremendous amount of happiness and luck at once!
"I just assured Mike that I can go alone safely, but really!? I definitely have to go home alive! I must not die until I see the Symphony X show!!!" shouting inside of my head, I went home.
Fortunatelly I arrived home alive.
And the next day, I experienced the Symphony X live show for the first time!!! I thought "Now I'm really dying!!!" among the so packed audience, going crazy to the setlist and the superb performance!
Plus, even there was a signing session!
I'm still alive. Actually I have experienced the Heaven while I'm alive!!!!!
I will post about the show and the signing session another time.
・別ブログ " 'All good' weblog about Mr. Michael Pinnella" から移動しました。初回投稿2016年2月 ・Moved from my " 'All good' weblog about Mr. Michael Pinnella". First post was in Feb 2016.
・日本語と英語で交互に書いています。 ・Written in Japanese and English alternately.
これを書いている2016年初頭でも唯一の、プロ撮影によるSymphony Xライヴ映像を観たおせる生活がやって参りました。2曲トータル11分しかないので観やすい!(短さを最大限に前向きにとらえる)曲は"Inferno (Unleash The Fire)"と"Of Sins And Shadows"!
Now I can watch as much as I want the only 1,even in early 2016 when I'm writing this, professionally taken live footage of Symphony X. 2 songs 11 mins in total so it's easy to enjoy! (my best try to be positive for the shortness!) The songs are "Inferno (Unleash The Fire)" and "Of Sins And Shadows"!
そして……ガン見せざるを得なかったのが eyes got stuck on
ピネーラさんの3段構え(and more) ギア
The 3-layered (and more) gears of Mr. Pinnella.
DVDからのスクショ(自分で撮りました) Screenshots from the DVD (taken by myself)
"GEAR GODS! Please do the rundown video of this era!" My brain worked naturally and wrongly. (GEAR GODS published the gear rundown video with Symphony X in Oct 2015 where Mr. Pinnella guides his gears. I was so happy to the point I dictated the English and translated it into Japanese. The post is here.)
What were the items? Not sure my interest was getting rejected or incited, The top one has stickers on the item name and brand name! The middle one's name is partly hidden beyond the holder! The bottom one is a complete mystery! (Seeing from the front, I was thinking "Wow, the bottom one has a pretty big body!" but when I saw it from the side, I noticed that the big body is something like a case and the smaller black one is sitting on it, and it's the boss.)
I've got interest in gears but haven't got much knowledge yet.
"OK. So I'll look up the past lineups of Roland and KORG (I could see those info at least) and find the matched ones! Also seek for some hint for the bottom one!" I departed for the journey which was very in the internet's debt.
Then I guessed like below:
Top (for solos, melodies):Roland JP-8000(used for"Set The World On Fire" (2007) video, too) Middle (for background harmonic sounds):KORG 01/W FD Bottom (for that very important sound of church organ and harpsichord): an enigma! + Left hand's side (for the trigger to play recorded choirs, etc.):M-AUDIO's some MIDI controller
The mysterious (for me) item on the bottom...I started to wonder if I had a hope to get the answer from Mr. Pinnella himself on his facebook...again, after Oct 2015. I wondered if my sudden questions would bring him a troublesome feeling or a little bit of fun...but anyway there is a facebook for him and visitors can write in...I thought so, then dived.
Mon Jan 18th 2016 aroud 1AM Japanese Standard Time (Sun Jan 17th 2016 around 11AM Eastern Standard Time in USA) I posted my guesses as above and wrote that it would be great if I could have the answer. Then it was my time limit to go to sleep, so I forced myself to do so, woke up next morning and had a busy day working, then got home and saw facebook...
There was the answer from him!!! (Sun Jan 17th 2016 12:12 EST. The shown time is Japanese one.)
「下段はRoland JV2080 を操作していたコントローラーだよ」
"The bottom was a controller that ran a Roland JV2080"
Knowing JV-2080's looks, suddenly I found it (I think so). In the rack behind him on his right side, under the water bottles?
The DVD footage shows that he turns to the rack and do something.
2015年10月にピネーラさんのfacebookでGEAR GODS動画が紹介されたスレッドで、私が投稿した英語聞き取りに修正を入れてくださったTonyさんが、今回も私の投稿へコメントをくださり、2005年にピネーラさんが「JV-2080を操作していたコントローラー」は Roland A-33 だった、とのこと。
When the GEAR GODS video was introduced on Mr. Pinnella's facebook in Oct 2015 and I posted there my English dictation of the video, a Pinnella fan Tony kindly gave corrections to it.
And this time also he shared information that the controller that ran JV-2080 was Roland A-33.
Tony has been a fan of Symphony X for long time and went to see Symphony X's live shows for many times.(Tony himself is a player and he has been having fun to explore Pinnella gears & sounds. He has cover videos onYouTube.)
私の推測のうち上段 Roland JP-8000と中段 KORG 01/W FDについてピネーラさんは何も言っていないので合っているのだろう!と勝手に考えていたのですが、これは正解とTonyさんが請け合ってくださいました。Tonyさん、今回もありがとうございます!
Mr. Pinnella didn't mention Roland JP-8000 and KORG 01/W FD so I thought personally like "Yes, my guesses were correct!" and Tony guaranteed they were correct. Tony, Thank you so much for your help for this time too!
Roland JP-8000 1996年
KORG 01/W FD 1991年!
Roland JV-2080 1997年
During searching the info about the gears this time, I became aware of the years when the items came out.
Roland JP-8000 1996 KORG 01/W FD 1991! Roland JV-2080 1997
The GIGANTOUR was held in 2005, and he makes them live very cool on stage.
これらを2015年の"Underworld"ツアーでも使用。2015年10月のGEAR GODS動画で語られている通り、V-Synthの使用開始が2008年。MOTIF ES7の使用開始時期はわかりませんが、2007年の "Set The World On Fire" PV でまだ登場していないので、それより後。
He rocked with these items on the Underworld tour 2015. These gears were introduced in theGEAR GODS videoin Oct 2015. As he tells in the video, he got the V-Synth in 2008. Not mentioned about MOTIF ES7, but in the"Set The World On Fire" videoin 2007 he wasn't with MOTIF ES7 yet, so it was later than 2007.
I have this impression "always evolving, cutting edge electronic instruments" for synthesizer / keyboards, but also I know that "older" items are often used to get ideal sounds, functions and feelings. It was interesting for me to notice Mr. Pinnella's character, in 2005 and 2015 at least, to use items that are not "new" comparatively and make them live cool on stage.
・別ブログ " 'All good' weblog about Mr. Michael Pinnella" から移動しました。初回投稿2015年10月 ・Moved from my " 'All good' weblog about Mr. Michael Pinnella". First post was in Oct 2015.
Hey everyone, this is Mike Pinnella from Symphony X at Regent in Los Angeles on the Overkill / Symphony X tour. [Regent Theatre, Tue Oct 6th 2015] Erm...just a quick overview of the gear museum.
Got RolandV-Synth, original model of XT. Erm, mainly for solos sounds and a couple bass things I do. 2008 I got this. Awesome keyboard I love.
I know this, er...GT. Now I only have messed around to match and I'm really happy with this [V-Synth]. You know, like to get another one next to rule. It's been around world cup of times, ha!
It's so programable. You can, you know, do everything you want pretty much. Start from scratch, you know. Start with the sine wave or whatever wave you wanna work with, just go from there. And I push it as sampling also.'s got the step sequencer in it. Great board.
All saved on the ThumbDrive, so it's easy.(Gear Gods: Oh, wow!) Yeah. We go from place to place, you know, going touring Europe or South America, they just rent everything, I go with my ThumDrive, pop it in, good to go.
They just sorted it [MOTIF ES7] out really well. You know, I load all the songs with that doing in, there are set of the patches up as a song. So I just gotta scroll through from song to song, and all my patches are right here on the key pad.
(Keyboards section ends. The video continues to another sections)
"All good" という言葉をこのとき初めて見たのですが、なぜかすぐに、これは「オールがグッド」という文字通りの意味ではなく、「(細部は違ってるけど)全体としてまあ良し」という意味だと思いました。調べると、やはり全肯定の意味ではなくて、「問題ない」「大丈夫」という感じの用法だとわかりました。ミスした人をフォローするのにも使えるフレーズ!やはり正しい方向の解釈をすぐにできていたと判明。朗報か悲報かわかりません。しかし、ピネーラさんがそのフォローの言葉をくださったこと、追加説明もしてくださったことに、本当に感謝し、感激しています!
【Special thanks】
I watched the GEAR GODS video on Michael Pinnella's post on his facebook on Thu Oct 15th 2015, and did the English dictation, then dived and posted it to the comment form of his facebook post, and asked if it is correct. It was midnight, very early AM of Sat Oct 17th 2015 in Japan.
When I posted it from Japan, it was around 2PM Fri Oct 16th 2015 in Silver Springs, Maryland, USA where he was staying for Symphony X / Overkill tour. In spite of it was the day of the show, he kindly answered.
↑Please see the screenshot above.(the shown time is Japanese time. 13 hours advanced than EDT.)
"All good. The Roland-V-synth is for solos and some synth bass. The sampler is for big choir stabs and some gang vocal stabs."
I saw the phrase "all good" for the first time, but somehow I immediately felt that it doesn't litetally mean "all is good" but means "(there are some not accurate points but) OK generally." I looked up the meaning and learned that I got it correly and instantly. I'm not sure it is good news or bad news for me. But! of course I'm so happy and grateful for that Mr. Pinnella gave me the kind words and even added more information!
Since then, I've been putting "all good" on my name for weblog and twitter like a badge.
Also Tony from France, who I made friends with since then, kindly gave corrections to my English dictation on the comment form of Mr. Pinnella's facebook thread.
Also Mr. Sada told me about gears and Japanese translation on twitter.
I had only interests in gears but had almost no knowledge, so it was really helpful.